Just find a chat of deaf Patriots.
He posted "bombs" in quotes like that the night before. Then said turn up the music loud, louder, and opened the doors to the warehouse. Probably a controlled detonation.
We also hopped on to this time line that night.
This one mostly works.. https://twiiit.com/
POTUS said Vote. How fuckin' hard is it to do that one thing he asked of you?
Almost forgot.
There were Bunker comms leading up to the TH Event. And the previous in Prescott Valley, the Stage Set was a Bunker (camo drape). Bunker, you know, as in "bomb" shelter.
Last bread some communist claimed Q had not posted since 2020.
No wonder they have been blocking Q from posting.
You need to ask God.
Q, i'm tired of the bullshit here.
This is stupid. It doesn't have to happen again.
What happened to the people with functional brains that used to frequent this establishment.
Elon is less than 10 what.
When did this place turn into facezuk.
I don't support extortion or bullshit
Learn to readโฆ
You haven't read the Bible and it showsโฆ
More lockdowns in the Catalog than LA during the scamdemic.
Then stop, you little bitch :)
You've been using this pasta since 2018.
They will all turn on each other like wild dogs now.
No one likes the POTUS posts huh? Only famefags and whatnots..
Hare Raising.
LMFAO where have we all read this before. Right fqn here that's where. You shouldn't lie about Godโฆ dangerous.
It's their inevitable way..
Dyin' for it to fail are ye.
Post photos please. TQ.
Where are the commsfags
So grateful for anons. This board needs an organic covfefe enema tho.
That's just not going to work at this point. Totally unacceptable behavior at the current Fasten Seat Belt Stage.
Why do you think his hair turned trauma-white so early in life?
You beg for help from Q like he's a vending machine instead of going to God. We all seen this show and it doesn't have any substance.
If Potato had to do the eulogy, it was maybe about that. R looks like he's so exasperated, that eye roll.. Potato looks like he's never seen a pulpit, and Bill looks like someone who isn't Bill
Bill Clinton's neck isn't that wide. He doesn't work out lmao. That's not Bill.
So um.. is SLICK WILLY DEAD??????????
Do the POTUS TRUTH posts with the Q drops next. If y'all still like POTUS and Q. Because that's what comms are all about.
Last day, Q. Hay in the needle stack.
So stupid not to have comms in notable wtf is going on round hyuh
Where is the head thing in charge? On this board.
This anti-comms movement on the board is bullshit
Very recently. Altho i can't attest to method.
Bill is dead. No wunder Potato looks xtra dumb and R looks xtra perturbed
I'll set up the comms board and have it ready in a few days.
If it's not in eastern time it means jack shit and you know that cupcake.
We will all be here not sleeping for 48+ hrs. if you say otherwise there's going to be a problem