Anonymous ID: 6e39e4 Dr. Meryl Nass explains how the WHO's proposed pandemic treaty Oct. 16, 2024, 2:08 p.m. No.21777452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7462




Dr. Meryl Nass, a board-certified physician for over 40 years and renowned expert on epidemics and bioweapons, was suspended by Maine's medical board and ordered to undergo a psych evaluation after she defied COVID mandates on masking and vaccinations.]


"We're undergoing a soft coup, and the idea is to create a whole new set of laws and ignore the existing human rights laws and other laws. Under the pretext of pandemic preparedness and the Biosecurity agenda, the who is developing through all its nations, but with the WHO Director in the United States in charge a pandemic treaty and amendments to the existing international health regulations that will remove the human rights protections currently.


Um, embedded in the IHRs, will enforce surveillance, censorship, get rid of freedom of speech, require governments to censor and only push a single narrative. Also, we will be subject, if they can make this work, to vaccines developed in 100 days, which the organization CEPI is planning to do, and one of the people who founded CEPI was Jeremy Farrar, who is now the chief scientist at the WHO to bring this forward.


Um, other things that, uh, that amendments do is to bind the states so they're no longer recommendations but enforceable edicts, uh, provide a liability shield, get rid of intellectual property rights, move supplies from one country to another, um, enforce digital passports,


Demand that a pandemic or a potential pandemic exists. He can just declare it with no standards and then countries around the world will have to obey. Uh, also the WHO will tell you what drugs you can and can't use in your nation once a pandemic is declared. Obviously the budget will increase. Um,


One Health is another part of this. One Health is a concept that was created to enable the WHO with these documents to take over jurisdiction of everything in the world by saying that climate change, animals, plants, Water systems, ecosystems are all central to health. Also embedded in this concept is a peculiar notion that humans are no longer of greater value than animals."