Actually would be great if he did. Media might have to report on Q.
Apparently his hideout in the South American jungle gets internet. Stay there, James. Stay there.
Only thing left is how the RR docs will become public…impeachment of RR, declassification by POTUS…what will it be?
Curious to see what reaction we get after the LP testimony. I think if RR is a black hat he's a suicide watch.
Holy fuckin' shit stop with the Trekfagging. Just…stop.
Tucker and Gutfeld seem to be sticking up for POTUS.
Doing his part for the resistance, Moore will be leading a division of partisans to secure the nearest Burger King.
Their only defense is going to be to claim the documents/intel is faked, doctored, etc…I expect that will be their last play.
It's almost as if you have NO CONCEPT of anything Q has posted…if watching the television makes you scared, then you are IN THE WRONG PLACE…the media is a circus, and the plan is to create a situation where they are thoroughly discredit in the eyes of their own sheep. Trump's comments have rallied ALL of them in BOTH parties…be prepared for the truth to drop. When the RR docs are declassified, the whole world will see that the Russia farce was a COMPLETE FABRICATION and that these assholes conspired to ASSASSINATE Trump…
…but I suppose you'll still be sulking because of today. Get a grip!
I really hope he smacks the shit out of Wallace.
Wallace just tried to hand Putin a report of the "hacking." What a fucking turd.
Putin: Shut your mouth and listen, Wallace.