I've been digging into the senator from Wisconsin Ron Johnson, he created the chart that Donald Trump says he sleeps with. His wife Jane Curler Johnson is the daughter of a billionaire Howard Curler who started a plastic wrapping company that wraps food and medical supplies called PACUR LLC. They partnered with China and have taken loans from China too.
But it turns out Johnson himself benefitted from a family-connected company’s cozy deal with China according to a story by the Guardian. Johnson made $57 million in income in his first 10 years in office and that wealth “was boosted by his company’s ties to another company that was owned and managed by his family, which in turn grew its business in China, acquired businesses in China, and reported having a loan worth tens of millions of dollars from the Bank of China,” the story noted.
“In one case, the company run by Johnson’s family sued the US government to try to press for softer trade relations with Beijing, a position that Johnson himself adopted in a rare break with Trump administration policies.”