So many posting aren't trusting the plan, they are not autists and cannot see the plan. We need to clear up the plan for normie digestion, "dumb it down" so to speak. They need to understand we are winning and will continue to win.
They do but we are breaking through, wouldn't it be nice to able to trust again and not get bowled-over for it every time? That's the kind of future we can look forward to. Put good in, get good out.
Oil and nukes are important in the grand scheme of things though, not so much nukes but oil definitely. Think crumb 299.
Not telling you to lose the cautious attitude anon, just saying we'll be able to trust again one day.
Sean needs to ask the question.
A glowing nigger of extreme asshattery…also EX-BV.
He was in China, not sure. Might be stateside now.