Anonymous ID: c9e7ad Oct. 18, 2024, 11:45 a.m. No.21790019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0082

James Delingpol on Rumble with Sasha Latypova “The Delingpod”


1hr 44 min

Very worthy of the 1hr 44min. Anon was too excited about this and had to post. Made it through the first 20 minutes; here are anon’s notes:



• She is ex-Pharm. Industry. Her company screened for harmful pharmaceuticals to prevent from reaching the public. She began a blog on Substack as the covid shots arrived.

• Pharm. Industry has never regulated vaccines. (no shit)

• Her colleague has a project going where they are researching pharmeceutical law as far back as the 1700s to show that vaccines have never been in the public interest and how they are lying.

• Vaccines are deliberate poison, they know what they are doing. Always have.

• Rothschild was the guy who began the “pasteurizing raw milk” idea.

• Charles Richet, Nobel prize recipient & french researcher. Based on his work, it is impossible to “vaccinate.” Sasha believes he got the prize because his work demonstrated how to poison everyone by sensitizing them to common elements in their environment. This is what “vaccinating” does. This man was a eugenicist.

• He was funded by the Prince of Monaco.

• It was never about contagious viruses, or zoo-tonic infectious disease, but about poisoning the masses. Poisons were called viruses. She lays out that once injected, wait 20 days. On the 21st day inject again (sound familiar?!?! covid injections anyone?)

• He discovered it doesn’t have to be an injected “poison” it could be protein (preferably mammalian) as long as it is injected.

• Through “vaccinating,” you “weaponize the human body to attack itself when exposed to the environment.”

• Allergies are vaccine induced.

• “When people today talk about toxic food in the West, and toxic environment, and everybody is poisoning us with these processed foods, it is gas-lighting and misdirection from vaccines.”


This is the first 20 min…