Anonymous ID: e91d5b Oct. 18, 2024, 10:49 a.m. No.21789725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9729 >>9736 >>9751 >>9892 >>0071

Looks like it’s going to go hot soon Anons!


Dear Neighbor


A quick note of thanks for being engaged in the election and for your participation in the process.


We are writing with a concern about the level of political violence in the country during this election year as well as the threats to our democracy and freedoms. So we are asking you to take a close look at the truth, facts and the future for a better America where we can all live in harmony together.


Your candidate is a felon, rapist, desecrator, an immoral flawed man. He is major reason violence us up, remember January 6th and Charlottesville? By supporting him you are declaring your public support for a disregard of the law, civil discourse and unity.


You are indicating your hatred for minorities, immigrants, foreigners, women, education, the rights of your fellow citizens, the rights of women to make decisions over their own healthcare needs. Oh and yes a hatred for Taylor Swift, who has contributed nothing but joy to the world. And you are entitled to all of this. However this is a reminder that your visible support comes with a price and at a cost. There will be consequences.


Should your candidate win, the consequences will be staggering. The country will continue to be divided, the economy will falter and a recession will be accelerated, the deficit ballooned.


The majority will live under the rule of a minority. Government will be in my business, the business of my family, the deficit will grow.


The rich will get richer and judging by your house you don’t qualify for rich, as much as you think you may. But more importantly we know where you live, you are in the data base. In the dead of a cold winters night, this year, or next and beyond, there is no knowing what may happen. Your property, your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot. And more.


Spend some time with your rabbi or pastor or what ever religion you follow and dig into the meaning of morality and reconcile the hate with your maker. Face the truth and understand the facts. Stop being lazy.


Question your commitment to a cult. He is the biggest threat to the country and does not understand the idea of America as defined George Washington by the founding fathers Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril, motherfucker.


We look forward to visiting in the future.




Patriotic citizen and a true American”