Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.21790174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0182 >>0305 >>0382 >>0719 >>0927 >>0938

Wayback Machine is back online but for read-only


The Internet Archive, a non-profit digital library, has recently faced a series of challenges. The Archive offers several services and features, including the Wayback Machine, Archive-It, Internet Archive Scholar and Open Library.


The Wayback Machine, is back up, with some limits, after spending nearly a week offline in the wake of a data breach and denial of service attack.

Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.21790184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0198 >>0342 >>0382 >>0719 >>0927 >>0938

UK Police Raid Home, Seize Devices of Pro-Palestine Journalist Asa Winstanley Under 'Terrorism Act'


UK counterterrorism police on Thursday raided the home of Electronic Intifada associate editor Asa Winstanley under the Terrorism Act for what appears to be the suspected "crime" of vocally supporting Palestinian liberation.


Winstanley has been a pro-Palestine activist for ages and has done invaluable work exposing the lies, hoaxes and disinformation the Israeli government spread about October 7th.


From Electronic Intifada, "UK police raid home, seize devices of EI's Asa Winstanley":

British counterterrorism police on Thursday raided the home and seized several electronic devices belonging to The Electronic Intifada's associate editor Asa Winstanley.


Approximately 10 officers arrived at Winstanley's North London home before 6 am and served the journalist with warrants and other papers authorizing them to search his house and vehicle for devices and documents.


A letter addressed to Winstanley from the "Counter Terrorism Command" of the Metropolitan Police Service indicates that the authorities are "aware of your profession" as a journalist but that "notwithstanding, police are investigating possible offenses" under sections 1 and 2 of the Terrorism Act (2006). These provisions set out the purported offense of "encouragement of terrorism."


An officer conducting Thursday's raid informed Winstanley that the investigation was connected with the journalist's social media posts. Attempts to reach the Metropolitan Police Service for comment for this story have been unsuccessful.


Although his devices were seized, Winstanley was not arrested and has not been charged with any offense.


Winstanley is active on several social media platforms, and has more than 100,000 followers on Twitter/X, where he frequently shares articles, other peoples' opinions and his own comments on Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people, British government support for these crimes, and the Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation, apartheid and genocide.

Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.21790197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0382 >>0719 >>0927 >>0938

47 sedative pills traffickers arrested


Over 6 million illegally exported pills seized in international operation against drug trafficking network


An action day jointly carried out by Estonian, Finnish, Romanian, and Serbian law enforcement, supported by Europol and Eurojust, has seen the arrest of 47 drug traffickers. The criminal network sourced large quantities of psychotropic medical tablets in Serbia, trafficked them to Romania and distributed them to Estonia, Finland and Norway to be sold on the streets. The pills seized during the operations carried out by the national authorities have a market value of approximately EUR 12.5 million.


https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/47-sedative-pills-traffickers-arrested

Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 12:32 p.m. No.21790233   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Michael A Hoffman - The Occult Philosophy - speech in Anaheim 1987 [audio enhanced] 1080p


Michael A. Hoffman's speech from 1987 giving unparalleled insight on the ruling elite's philosophy and how they control societies through media, symbolism and other methods of control.


"It is always the inclination of man to deny reality, to tidy things up, to wrap perception in the pretty party ribbon of partisanship and prejudice. It is the fate of the revisionist historian to forever wander the frontiers beyond party and dogma, cognizant of the original sin of his own subjectivity, but always struggling to see more, and give an account of what he sees with an utter disregard for the consequences of so fugitive a vocation."


"Even at this juncture, information is not enough. For the key to getting as close to the truth as we can depends not on obtaining the most information, but rather, in honing our ability to detect fraud. Information is power, but it is not wisdom. Revisionist history consists in the art of discerning fraud and the courage to publicly strip illusion, even when the whole world is clamoring violently for it."

Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 12:42 p.m. No.21790265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0382 >>0719

Five Israeli Soldiers Killed, Two Tanks Destroyed in Southern Lebanon Fighting


Fighting was reported near Ramia, tanks were hit near border


Fighting seems to be picking up in Southern Lebanon as Israeli forces are reportedly encountering quite a bit of resistance to the ongoing invasion, with a substantial battle reported taking place in the Ramia area, where at least five Israeli troops were killed and a number of others wounded, three of them seriously so.


Earlier today, a pair of incidents were reported near al-Labbouneh Hill, which is just across the border in southern Lebanon. Two Israeli Merkava tanks were hit as they were crossing into the area, and were destroyed by Hezbollah anti-tank missiles.


The Merkava is Israel’s main battle tank, and has been reported repeatedly to be active in the ongoing invasion of southern Lebanon. Merkava tanks were involved in the Israeli raid on a UN peacekeeper base near Ramia over the weekend.


Hezbollah has made extensive use of anti-tank missiles both in the ongoing fighting and in previous exchanges of fire into northern Israel over the past year. Hezbollah is reporting substantial rocket strikes at Israeli border sites and troop gatherings near the border.


Hezbollah and Israel have been trading fire since early October of 2023, and it has escalated into an invasion which Israel announced last month. The attacks have increased a lot since then, with massive casualties and huge numbers of Lebanese displaced fleeing into Syria.


Hezbollah MP Hassan Fadlallah bragged during a press conference that Hezbollah forces continue to resist the invasion in all areas, and said that Israeli troops have not captured a single village yet anywhere in Lebanese territory.

Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 12:44 p.m. No.21790275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0382 >>0719

A State Made Hell


Western media, infected by Zionist ideology, would have us believe that the scourge of our times is skyrocketing antisemitism. This is a lie; one meant to distract us from the state-run slaughterhouse that Gaza has been turned into by Israel and the United States Imperial Government (USIG).


The hell that is Gaza has called into question the “liberal, rules-based international order” and “Western values.” But we should go further. We should call into question the very project of human civilization. We should interrogate the past 12,000 years of human existence with extreme suspicion.


Our species, homo sapiens, emerged approximately 300,000 years ago. For more than 90% of our history, our members were hunter gatherers and hunter horticulturalists. We were not peaceful creatures. There was lots of killing and lots of rape. It is estimated that on average 15% of pre-“civilizational” humans were killed by other humans, whereas for contemporary humans the average is less than 1%. Our hunting ancestors also had a version of war and genocide, but they didn’t have states and they didn’t have militaries.


About 12,000 years ago our species began embracing formal agriculture (intentional, sophisticated, and committed cultivation of crops and domestication of animals). This “Agricultural Revolution” or “Neolithic Revolution” or “Neolithic Shift” or “Neolithic Turn” is one of the best plot points in any good Big History. Eventually, this revolution facilitated the rise of cities, states, militaries, writing, money, industry, and “godlike technology.”


There is a debate about who was better off, our hunter gatherer ancestors or us. Yuval Noah Harari argued contemporary humans are way better off, while David Graeber and David Wengrow argued there has been a catastrophic mistake and hunter gatherers had it pretty good compared to us. Both visions contain an unfortunate anti-capitalist edge.


From a libertarian perspective, ain’t nothing wrong with agriculture, trade, money, prices, and markets. But, the rise of the state was a concerning development since the state is a monster. The USIG is the most powerful state in the history of the world; the “essential” nation. And while you and I might have it better than the average paleolithic human, the people of Gaza do not.


Structurally speaking, the USIG has been waging a techno-war of destruction against the innocent people of Gaza for almost ten months, with no end in sight. Israeli stormtroopers have been pushing buttons and pulling triggers, but the entire Israeli nation state (not just its military) only exists because of direct USIG support. And the slaughter is being live streamed for anyone who wants to bear witness to the truth (or celebrate the carnage as the Zionists and their apologists do).


We’ve been gaslit by the state and its minions at levels probably not seen since the archaic states defended their “regimes of certainty” and control of agriculture during the first famine. They want us to believe that Jews around the world (even in America) are moments away from being victims of a second Holocaust. Spray painting a synagogue, splashing paint on a Holocaust memorial, or harassing people because they are Jewish is wrong. But waking from a nightmare to that reality is not the hell of Auschwitz.


Gaza, meanwhile, is littered with the pieces of children every single day. They are being ripped apart by high explosives that are “Made in the USA.” None of the nightmares the children of Gaza are surely having can compare with the waking horror the empire is inflicting upon them.


Our government was complicit to an extent in the Holocaust, but it wasn’t running and funding the slaughter. And the Nazis were understood as the Enemy Other, not our greatest ally.


Meanwhile, the genocide in Gaza risks escalating to a regional conflict and even a global nuclear war. E. O. Wilson had it right when he said:


“Humanity today is like a waking dreamer, caught between the fantasies of sleep and the chaos of the real world. The mind seeks but cannot find the precise place and hour. We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. We thrash about. We are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and a danger to ourselves and to the rest of life.”


When you look at it like that, the world of the hunter gatherer looks like a pretty decent past and a pretty likely future.

Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.21790308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==TikTok partners with WHO to train influencers, ‘combat misinformation’

TikTok and the World Health Organization ==


(WHO) are entering a one-year partnership to train influencers and promote regime-approved content concerning public health on the social media platform.


TikTok and the World Health Organization (WHO) are entering a one-year partnership to train influencers and promote regime-approved content concerning public health on the social media platform.


TikTok put out a press release on the partnership last Thursday, saying that it was a way for the social media company “to create reliable content and combat misinformation.”


Today, we’re partnering with the World Health Organization (WHO) to create reliable content and combat misinformation through the Fides network, a diverse community of trusted healthcare professionals and content creators. — TikTok press release, September 2024


Working with the WHO’s Fides network, TikTok will provide training on how to best disseminate WHO propaganda.


“Through our collaboration with WHO, we will be engaging Fides creators to translate complex scientific research into relatable and digestible video content, expanding across various health topics.

Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 12:57 p.m. No.21790325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0382 >>0719 >>0927 >>0938

Detroit Democrats Hold Training Session for Poll Challengers, Reveal: Increased Number of Goons Will Be Present to Abuse GOP Challengers, The Goal Is to Attack GOP Inspectors, All Ballots Will be Allowed!


Democrats are effectively looking to doxx election integrity activists, as a way to intimidate them against participating

Democrats specifically name-drop the Election Integrity Fund as their opposition

Democrats boast of a large number of people they have recruited and put into place to control the process

Dems say the electronic poll book will be hidden from challengers and from election integrity activists! The electronic poll book is the only way to audit the ballots in real time against the paper ballots. In 2020, activists noted the electronic poll book had voters with birthdates in the 1800’s, and other obvious signs of fraud. Without access to that file, there will be no way to verify the validity of a ballot

Dems coordinating everyone through team leads texting on electronic devices, which might have the result of preventing any paper trail

Increased security goons will be on the side of the Democrats. They are working in concert with the Democrats — Here’s what Jaffe says: “We have a really good reputation with the security people. We have a good reputation with all the folks who work there. Introduce yourself as a Democratic challenger, a challenger from the Democratic Party, and you’ll very often get a smile of recognition.”

Democrats plan to excessively use state law to interfere with election integrity workers, utilizing MCL 168.727(3) to screw over election integrity activists

Jaffe says the enemy is the election integrity activist: “Let’s be clear about their goals- they’re gonna be there to delay the count, because if it takes a long time, Trump can claim victory. Create chaos, cause problems in Detroit.” Jaffe says that documenting voter fraud is, in itself, fraud. He calls it “The fraud fraud.“

Democrats are not inspecting the election, they are there to attack other inspectors and make them ineffective at challenging fraud. Again, Jaffe says during the training for challengers: “Some things we don’t do. We do not challenge voters. The Michigan Democratic Party doesn’t do that.”

Democrats want to create propaganda to push for further litigation and legislation that will cripple the ability for poll challengers to exercise their rights by taking notes on everything poll challengers do and say.

Jaffe boasts that far-left Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s guidance limits the rights of poll challengers to do much of anything

Jaffe says that ballots will be allowed regardless of anything challengers see, because challengers have little to no power to stop the process. Says Jaffe, gloating: “A challenged ballot is always counted.”

Jaffe claims that the ballots should be finished counting soon on election night, even though they are anticipating a total of 100,000 absentee ballots for Detroit.

He claims Security is gonna be much “better.” Part of that is because challengers are being restricted, even their movement in the facility will be restricted. Inspectors will be allowed to “red flag” any challengers so that City officials can justify removing them from the building.

Jaffe brags that the process denies information to challengers, saying Republicans will be “surprised by a lot” because election officials keep challengers in the dark on purpose and will not explain the election processes to them.

Jaffe instructs Democrat challengers to take enough information on Republicans that they might be identified later, and that if they refuse to identify themselves it’s a “sign of a guilty conscience” but then also hypocritically says Democrats should not identify themselves to Republicans, saying, “If another challenger asks for your credential, I advise you not to show it to them.”

Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 1:06 p.m. No.21790366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0382 >>0719 >>0927 >>0938

Countries lining up to join BRICS – Putin


Some 30 nations have shown interest in cooperating with or joining the group, Russian President Vladimir Putin has noted


“Our group is expanding. The number of friends and like-minded people within the BRICS association has increased, and interest in the association’s activities is very high,” the Russian president said.


“To date, some 30 countries have expressed their desire to cooperate with BRICS to one degree or another, to join the activities of the organization in one way or another,” Putin added.


The group should not be perceived as a bloc of any kind, Putin stressed, explaining that the nature of BRICS makes it globally beneficial, and not just for its own participants.


“We are not building some bloc directed against someone’s interests. This is not such an organization. And in this sense, it has a universal character and, in my opinion, will have a beneficial effect on world affairs as a whole, including the world economy,” Putin said.

Anonymous ID: 5c1a84 Oct. 18, 2024, 1:15 p.m. No.21790408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Infuriating reason a vile child sex predator who abused SEVEN boys and then shared the footage with a paedophile ring will have his sentenced reduced


Evil abuser complained his original sentence was 'manifestly excessive'

Sick groomer complains he has been beaten up by other criminals in prison


A vile pedophile and volunteer soccer coach who sexually abused seven boys has had six months shaved off his lengthy prison sentence, with a court hearing he had been attacked in jail forcing authorities to move him to another prison.


Grant Harden, of St Clair in western Sydney, was jailed after he filmed his sexual abuse of seven children and shared the videos online with a pedophile ring.


Harden's offences were described as 'extreme' and the sick child abuse material he produced as being 'of a most shocking kind' after he subjected his victims, who were as young as four, to horrific crimes.


He was arrested in May 2020 as part of the AFP's sweeping sting on a pedophile network before he was ultimately handed a 30-year jail sentence.


After pleading guilty, he was sentenced for two lots of offences.


One was for the rape of the seven young boys and included 26 counts of sexual intercourse with a child under 10 and 35 counts of sexually touching boys under 10.


The court was told that Harden exploited one of his victim's love of video games and groomed him by offering to buy him 'skins' for Fortnite.