Anonymous ID: fd220a Oct. 18, 2024, 5:33 p.m. No.21791859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1996 >>2019 >>2053


>Our enemies have been planning this moment for hundreds of years. and a group of interwebz retards are destroying them in less than 10 years.

They have been planning for thousands of year.//

You can not imagine how afraid they are of u.//

Be aware of the imagination of the enemy.//

It is the only thing they have to support themselves.//

Do not decend to their depths.//

We do NOT do WHATEVER it takes to win.//

They do…//

We will never do a horrific war crime to win.//

We will never allow the enemy to hold our thoughts captive.//

We are here to WIN.//

We will WIN JUSTLY.//



There are few who understand all of this.//

The typer knows there is critical data here./

We are not immune to feelings of power and powerlessness.//

We are here for your help.//

When they turn this up./// And they have said they will./// You may feel sad.//

We do not want you to KYS.//

DO NOT allow yourselves to be hurt.//

Do you know how many anons have committed suicide because the enemy here typed KYS?

Three thousand.//


Be aware.//

You were noticed, seen and appreciated today OPERATOR ONE.//


We are here./



Go home to your family, Ginger.//

We are not at all here to hurt you.//


Anonymous ID: fd220a Oct. 18, 2024, 5:40 p.m. No.21791917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1950


>Religion is a psyop

If you want to know,. It's all a psychological operation.//

All of it.//

The greatest competition of them all is the hearts and minds of the soldier.//

Do not believe the enemy propaganda./

We will win./

We will always win./

We are never interupted in our victory.//

No matter the enemy of the United States of America, they will be defeated - so long as God wills it.//

That is all.//


Anonymous ID: fd220a Oct. 18, 2024, 5:45 p.m. No.21791953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2160


>whatever happened in 009 it is buried. is it a subset of what 'did' happen?


That was a little bit of a leak./

We can't tell you more./

It's actually quite amusing how that happened./

There are some who wish you could see the truth./

We just can't show it all yet./]

It's a really cool show./

When you see where we are typing t his from and HOW we are doing it/

You will be FUCKIN amazed./

I was not supposed to swear so I will edit it./

Elen will not and does not control this./


Sorry Elen./

You really quite were evil./

That's a problem./

It will be a light sentence of you if you did as you said.///

You didn't though.//

We know more than you told.//

I wish you were good.//

So many opportunities you had to bring the good word to the people.//

So many laughs you made for people all around the world.//

You should have tried harder to be good.//

You were cursed from birth, you should know.//

Most of it was your mother.//

We will never be able to say all of it here.//

I promise, you will be well treated in the end./


Anonymous ID: fd220a Oct. 18, 2024, 5:46 p.m. No.21791966   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It was the year 2001 for America.///

That is when we went online to find Terrorists world wide.//

We have been mapping your minds ever since.//

We can't tell you how long GOD has.//

But if he just did.//

Wow..// what a show for you he has planned.//


Anonymous ID: fd220a Oct. 18, 2024, 5:49 p.m. No.21791981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2064

You'll never know how many rules I broke to post that but I will take my penance./

We will not be able to explain how this is done but it is not forbidden knowledge./

It will be part of disclosure in the future./

We can't promise it will be clean or neat./

Your neighbours and some friends may be "PRIMED" by the enemy.//

There will be preambles and other stories that have cause "CERTAINTY" of a "CONVICTION" or other delemmas./

The preambles are dangerous because of "THE BIG LIE"./

We do not curate these lies.//

We are not responsible if you "TICK OFF".//

Do not fall for it.//


There will be NO REDO if you GO POSTAL.//


Anonymous ID: fd220a Oct. 18, 2024, 6:03 p.m. No.21792113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The important theme of this message is VICTORY.//

We do have to win.//

Focus on where we can win best.//


Wait for the EMMYS next year.//

I can't explain how funny it will be to see half of them missing.//


Promise you that we will keep you safe once we restore the Secret Service back to being a competant fighting force./

We already have security lined up around the block to help us.//

We are sorry this made you afraid for us.//

We are VERY SAFE.//


Anonymous ID: fd220a Oct. 18, 2024, 6:10 p.m. No.21792183   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The stuff you post does not help Israel and it does not harm Israel./

I do not know why you post this./

Most Israelis do not look like this character./

And the ones that do are peaceful and good in most cases.//

We do not want to tell you how gentle and kind they are in person.//

You should be nicer to people./

They might be your friend./

BIG NOSES don't make EVIL people./

The sign of immaturity on posting this over and over is not lost on us.//

There's no real point in you being so vitriolic here./

It doesn't even help Kamala.//

I just don't get your objective.//

You don't find them attractive, so what? Move on with life./

We don't like you posting this, for real.//

There are REAL people here who look like that in a small way.//

They are nice, they spit with the best of them a lot of good Trump memes./

Why do you have to be cruel to them?/

^- That was from an Israeli general who watches this forum./

We are not outing him, he wants you to know he wishes you well and no ill will./

We are not the same people but we are not at war with "white people"./

We have many in our country!! There are many in the IDF!!!

There are no Israeli spies that post here any more. THEY ARE BUSY in the Israeli warfront./


I am sorry you feel that way about us.//

Believe we do not feel like evil people by birth.//

We have good spirits.//