Anonymous ID: acfebe Oct. 19, 2024, 8:39 a.m. No.21794491   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Another Hapsberg

Cuban isn't one of the more pure bloodline strains. That's why he can blend well. His bloodline was absorbing DNA of the gentiles, to offset the schizophrenia, but he's still susceptible to the other mental disorders, due to the inbreeding. I live in Texas. Trust me, when I say that he's reviled here, especially in the DFW area. People hate him, but his hubris due to being one of the Tribe™ prevents him from seeing it.

Anonymous ID: acfebe Oct. 19, 2024, 8:42 a.m. No.21794515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4572


>battlestar galactica was blatantly early Gen X.

Of course. It was a targeted thanks to Star Wars. I grew up watching that shit. Even had the models and the toy viper that shot the laser blasts.

>Unless you were a super-late boomer like 66-67

Consensus is that GenX started in 65, Anon.

Anonymous ID: acfebe Oct. 19, 2024, 8:49 a.m. No.21794560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4566 >>4574


>I was always partial to 6.

Kek. Yeah….. I always thought the whole red spine orgasm was a little over the top, but this story was infinitely better than the original. Sill loved the original for what it was. Had the best pew pew sounds.

Anonymous ID: acfebe Oct. 19, 2024, 8:54 a.m. No.21794584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4591


>I watched Smokey and the Bandit again a few nights ago.

The boys watched it for the first time, this past summer. My eldest, who is learning to drive, loves it. He's now a Jerry Reed fan and has East Bound and Down on his phone to listen to it, while he practices for his license.

Anonymous ID: acfebe Oct. 19, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.21794726   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It concerns me how Lucas turned his back on the original franchise and tried to destroy it.

>People think the destruction began with Disney but it blatantly began with the prequels.

The prequels were Lucas' original storyline. He also knew it was boring, which is why he went with Ep 4-6 first. The problem is, Lucas was always a good story teller. He's a terrible director and writer. The last project he was working on was SW:Underworld, which would have been good, but Lucas, himself, didn't want to shell out the million or so per episode it would cost (he slated 100 episodes for the show, originally.) Lucas was also extremely naive. When Disney offered him 4 billion for the franchise, he went with it, 'cos he had them put in the contract that they wouldconsiderhis proposal for Eps 7-9. The key word here is "consider." Lucas was too stupid to realize that, yeah, they'd take his pitch, but his hubris prevented him from seeing that just 'cos they said they'd consider it, didn't mean they would actuallyuseit. The hubris of Lucas wouldn't allow him to see the forest for the trees, so when he pitched his story, they laughed at him and shelved it. Then, Disney went on to destroy the beloved franchise, as it was too masculine and heroic. They had to fag it all up, like all Jews do with anything that portrays non-Jewish heroic archetypes. That's why Lucas is pissed now. He sold his legacy for 4 billion and the people he sold it to, intentionally ruined it.

>Jim Cameron

Has always been a part of the club. That's why he did Titanic and made it a love story, so they could hide what it was really about.