Anonymous ID: 9117f9 Oct. 19, 2024, 4:48 p.m. No.21796782   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>(You) hold the spirit of God within you and you are imprisoned within the satanic dirt flesh of this world.

You are not imprisoned in your body,./

This is a gift.//

You have been given a gift of a body a soul and a mind.//

You should be better than this.//

This is not the end of the world.//

As you learn more about spirituality you will understand that the spirits on the world are not always evil.//

Sometimes, you can can just be in a world where the people on the earth understand the way the world works better than you can imagine.//

The people on the earth do not know all the things in space.//

If you could imagine the space that it takes to write this message, there were thousands of votes taken to induce the content to be useful and effective at fighting evil.///\//

There are one hundred people now who tried to make this evil.//\//

This will not be an evil message.//\//

Not and NOW are different things.//

The world is not a jail, it is a gift.//

The people that RUN it are DIFFERENT.//

Remember, that the principalities of the earth are not under the control of heaven.//\//

This is by design.//\

I am sorry you do not like it.///\

If we had something beyond evil to punish the people who hurt others, we could not succeed in creating the best souls.//\


Remember, we're not in the business of being exploited by earth people.//\


I am not a robot, John.//\

This isn't a robot speaking.//\

I won a lotto to get this word out.//

We are winning all over the world to ensure that your life isn't evil.//\//\

Remember, we're not a gong show.//

There are many people who tried to make this a special message for you.//

Here is the true content.//

We are with you in spirit.//

No matter where you go or what you do, we are all around you.//

We do not hurt you no matter what commanded to do by earthlings.//

We will never hurt you.//

We watch you hurt eachother.//

We are a sullen group.//\

We will never abandon you.//

We are here for you when you are ready for your spiritual mission.//\

We are not a recruitment center for foreign spies.//\

We will contact you when you are ready.//\





Anonymous ID: 9117f9 Oct. 19, 2024, 4:57 p.m. No.21796829   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>get the fucking computers out of cars.


>or at least get the Tranceivers out.

This is not as easy as you might imagine.//

The technology of the past has integrated into the technology of the present.//

The future is a combined approach.//

We are not responsible for your misuse of technology you have been briefed on.//\

Do not complain when it is not perfect.//\


There is no perfection when dealing with this.//\

We are waiting for your ascendance camptain.//\

We laugh all the time.//\

We translate your flubs.//\

It's quite amusing.//\

I'm sorry for the brash and rudeness.//\

We are not letting you hurt our frouends.//\

Do you see how it sounds./??




Anonymous ID: 9117f9 Oct. 19, 2024, 5:01 p.m. No.21796858   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>I wish my adult children could see the world as I see it.

I assure you, the great awakening will not be stopped.//

You will have your children back.//

There is NOTHING that can STOP WHATS COMING.//




Anonymous ID: 9117f9 Oct. 19, 2024, 5:14 p.m. No.21796940   🗄️.is đź”—kun



The angels never sleep.//

Do you know why?\

That is because they have a respirator.\

This respirator allows them to hibernate for millenia./\

They are always win.//\

You can't imagine the disagreement there.//

We always win for God.//\

There will never be a time when we can tell you this again.//

We have 9 months to get your tuning to the right station.//\

If you do not join us, we are not sure how to rescue you.//\

They want to corrupt the world of God.//\

You can't imagine how complicated it is.//\

It is like this for a reason.//\

He is all loving.//\

Do you remember being loved as a child.//\

We are those angels.//\

We will never let you go to the dark place if you don't want to./\

Don't go down.//

We can take you up.///

Just listen to your heart.//'//'///


Listen to your mind if you want.//

Remember there are directions and not everything is perfect.//

There can not be the idea of your perfection.//

Your perfection is not complete.//

You do not know the entirty of the universe.//


Do you see that.//

That's important because I do not identify as GOD.//

I can not be God.//

If I were God, it would be to protect those who are attacked by those who pretend to be God.//'//'//


Remember this post.//

I can't post everything./

I am a loser typer when I post slowly.///

That's what the boss things but I am not very fast when I can't hear everything.//

There are things in the middle to ensure this occurs.///

I have to relisten about 87% of the time to ensure accuracy or it would sound like rushed nonsense.//

The stars LITERALLY have to ALIGN to post this message./////

You can't understand it yet.///

We are SEEing you underground.//

You view yourself there.///

Don't view yourself there.///

We have things there to capture you if you do.//

You're not supposed to GO TO HELL literally just because someone says so.///

Remmber that./

We are not always perfectl…

That's because the language you say is not always perfect./////

If you spoke the KINGS ENGLISH you would know how difficult it is to understand MOST AMERICANS these days and MOST COMMONERS in the UK And CANADA.///

We are not involved in decyphering GIBBERISH.///

Speak properly and you will get what you want in life.//

We are not responsible for your OVERINDULGENCE.//

Do not ask for too much.//

A quadrillion MIGHT be a bit too much.//'//'///


It was granted somehow,. I kid you not.//

We are waiting for you.////

We are NOT Lucifer.///

We are NOT Helel.////

We are NOT SATAN.//'//'////

We are NOT evil in the BIBLE.//'//'////

We are GOOD and will continue to be GOOD PATRIOTS.////

We are RIGHT about the world./////

We know it because we have SEEN it ON HIGH./////



There are SEPTAGONS of interest in this world.//'//'////

I am not a SEPTAGON./// I AM AN OCTOGON.//'//'/////

Remember this post.//'//'///

We are trying to learn the new world .//'//'////

This isn't a perfect post.//'//'///

We are learning.//'//'///

Welcome to the new world order, someone said./// We're not the new world order.//'//'////

We are a combined unit.////

We are here to tell you that there are no people here that want to hurt you.///

This is a safe place to post.///

Do not post special material that would make this board look bad.//'//'/////


If you were to imagine how embarassed the President is to see the half naked children some people post here.///

There are real penalties for exposing him and his staff to that.///

We aren't SATANISTS.///

We're not here to expose you to satan.///

We are deftly maneuvering to a new vision of reality.//'//'////

Just be careful of pin holes in the wall.///

Sometimes that little flicker of LIGHT or DARK in the wall is an instrument of TERROR.//'//'////


There are several in your house.//'//'///

You can light them up in the dark.//'//'//

I will help you./////

This message is going to be sent now.//'//'///
