I liked the golf story. Lighten up.
Where the fuck do you think are right now, making a claim like that?
No shit, Sherlock. You're not ready for the fact that water is wet. See, I can do retarded Captain Obvious shit too.
You can surrender anytime, AEI.
>You are all divided and conquered because you waste all your time on this theater bullshit.
Silence, faggot. Your first mistake was thinking your help is something to value for everyone here while making threats and doomfagging. That's a filter.
>fuck you all for fucking up retirement.
You sound mad, AEI. I'll give you a choice, you can continue crying about it, or you can IP hop to force maximum visibility again.
A landslide like that Secretariat vid posted last night…
They'll come around. Give them time.
Zip it, fraud.
Silence, ya l'il twerp. Your consensus generation attempts have that same stale failure smell as VaticanClown's. In the filter.
You IP hopped and are now trying to convince someone that they're feeling what you're telling them to feel? You're a special kind of stupid.
Anyone notice that the existential appeals to emotion have been increasing in frequency?