what is qanon?
I still do not understand the question. Why did he stop posting what?
he posts memes all the times I am not sure what these qanon memes are, do they have boobs in them? I don't think Trump should post those.
maybe you should read the posts retard
would also point out because you are obviously a mongoloid, that the times that word occurs in the posts it is always in quotes or single quotes indicating someone else is saying it not Q.
it can be, there was also a part of it where that term was used because of tagging and twitter limitations. Then hyphens and other things were used in order to skirt the censors because people were getting banned for even posting that word. Which I think is why the distinction was made.
please tell me you are going to commit suicide because you are too stupid to live.
you did not piss me off that is you trying to fake a win just because I said that your existence is pointless. What you going to say that people who use mean words automatically lose next.
should have talked about his aunt or something and switched to red instead of green .
called it.
well you could die for starters.
two have yet to appear. bets on catholic or jew first?
I thought they were already considered spam, so that would be redundant.
and there it is who had jews before for catholics on their score card.
god's hand kek. you forget this is a movie.
what hail satan?
you people kek
give them what they want
pander pander pander
tell us about your aunt making your vote for her.
not only do you give bad advice you are a faggot.
you just can not shut the fuck up. Tell anons more how you helped destroyed the guide stones now.
>telling others how they related to god is rather crass and immature.
so commenting on the voices in your head is uncouth.
and the stupid IP hopper is conflating things. Saying christians are not registered is not pushing christianity you fucking mong.
I would rather be a heathen that a worthless stupid fuck like you kneeling for your stupid lord.
no it's not. Christians are retarded all on their own, i suspect many do not vote either because they see themselves in a "beast" system, and that by participating they are then accepting of it. But go ahead an IP hop lets see what narrative you develop today.
the real buffy
he kinda is saying he had a plan, it is funny he says Trump did not listen to his plan, Biden did not listen to Trumps plan over the wall. This faggot needs to shut up.
Jesus also allegedly had a hissy in a temple and chased people with a whip. now what, you stupid cunt.
are we in the red or the blue universe
i hope you choose suicide.
you are right kamala is a tranny