Kek the mailman union waited 600 days and negotiated a tiny raise.
Hahah. Americans hate each other.
I love how fat and faggot they are.
Kek the mailman union waited 600 days and negotiated a tiny raise.
Hahah. Americans hate each other.
I love how fat and faggot they are.
I Kek when I think of all you un enlightened religious low consciousness fools arguing and fighting each other daily over the control you don’t have and THEY have on you and your entire concept of society.
Vote harder and spender more money.
Might want to win the battle against the lame stream media first.
When sheep follow it’s not the wolf who is dangerous.
My favorite part of the whole thing is the low unconscious un awakened person is to be hated.
NEETs don’t have the ability to vote.
Kek. Used my meme.
You’re right. The purpose of life isn’t to awaken. It’s to eat cereal and watch tv.