I have had to deal with a ton of red pills during my lifetime but learning that Arnold Palmer is gay and when I order an Arnold Palmer ice tea now it makes me look gay.
That's not golf course Trump.
If McDonalds isn't paying Trump for his services that is a state and federal violation. Nobody is allowed to work for free. There is a very strict minimum wage that must be adhered to.
That's barter and he would have to declare that on his income tax form.
McDonalds is a for profit company and the IRS code is very clear how they are to pay anyone that works at their establishment. Who knows? Maybe Trump owns this franchise. He seems to push the brand hard.
Not true. There are also worker comp laws and he must be covered by that insurance while he works. 501c3 can have volunteers but not profit corporations.
Most logical conclusion to this stupid movie. Thank you. Everyone else here doesn't understand the complex employment laws that will be sure to hang Trump on and impeach him over. Sucks being an employer in this country.
Sad that this board is mocking a person that had no control how they were designed in the jar.
I received 2 virtue points today. Happy to give one up for that anon. LMK where I need to deposit the virtue.
That is kind of rude going into a satanic coven and yelling Jesus is Lord.
But why only if salt is spilled? What does the spilled salt do that calls the evil spirit?
Got it. I'm dumping salt everywhere. I'll bring my german heritage ass back shortly.