Anonymous ID: cf9807 Oct. 21, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.21806153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How does no one ask Elon about Q? Nigger does a Q&A in person and I gotta watch a bunch of assholes try to get themselves hired or ask dumb shit questions "would you buy this, would you purchase them..".


How does this work exactly? For years we claim someone must have "flipped". How do you trust them? I can't respect someone because they were bad and just gave in to the good guys and cut a deal. That's not repenting, that's submitting. I feel that way about Elon. I feel that way about a lot of faggots I see these days that seem to have suddenly had a change of heart.


Maybe he was just being blackmailed. Who knows.


President Trump has been available and speaking to a lot of people as well. Not a single question about Q to him. The greatest thing to happen to mankind since Christ is memory holed in less than 2 years.


Pat yourselves on the back Anons. Take one bread, one time and just acknowledge all the bullshit you've put up with, continue to, to be here, to share, to grow, to find the truth. God Bless.