These MSM operatives will find that knowingly lying to the Public comes with a charge of treason ! This is not a game, no one gets a pass.
How is it you did not figure out that Hannibal Lecter is really Cannibal Helter as in Helter Skelter The CIA MKULTRA Manson shit show.
The bible fags are stuck on a book put together over the course of Constantine's Lifetime. All the supposed Christian holy places were chosen by his mother on a tour of "Palestine" and Egypt.
The scriptures referred to by Jesus included the book of Enoch and other writings concealed from the everyday person. We are fighting not just a death cult but the originators of this evil that are from beyond this ball of dirt we live on.
They believed a political party would fight for them. An enslaved people always develop a opaque dialect and idioms. They are finally awakening and those that realize they were enslaved will choose to abandon that dialect.
The Steal is already underway, We don't finish this election day, Shit goes sideways when the Steal is filmed and Livestreamed by Elon.
The States have also done a bait and switch with School Funds. What was supposed to be a supplemental source of funds for education, was then coopted for primary funding and the general budget fund reduced accordingly. So they steal steal steal. After all Lottery $$$$ are mostly poor and middle class post tax dollars stolen for the "big chance".