Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.21811464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1477 >>1486 >>1629 >>1945 >>2107 >>2184

Kamala Grew Up Around Terrorists

The untold story of Kamala’s grandfather and her childhood in Africa.

October 22, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield1/3(Must share this story anons, X etc.)


On the last leg of her African tour, Vice President Kamala Harris paid a visit to an otherwise unremarkable office building in Zambia. Her staff and local embassy personnel had spent a great deal of time looking for it and everyone was hoping it was the right place.


Kamala, with her Jamaican and Indian roots, needed a tangible connection to Africa to win over African-American voters and convince them that she was one of them. And everyone settled on the office building as being the next best thing because it was the former spot of the building where she had once stayed as a little girl with her Indian mother on a visit to her grandfather. President Hakainde Hichilema welcomed her as “a daughter of our own country, someone who spent time here in her early years.”


Kamala responded by launching into a story about having visited “Zambia, Mr. President, as a young girl when my grandfather worked here” as “an advisor to Zambia’s first president, Kenneth Kaunda” to “serve as a director of relief measures and refugees.”


The vice president then began singing the praises of Kaunda, a brutal socialist dictator allied with the Soviet Union, who had banned opposing political parties and ran as the only candidate for president until he was finally ousted, and praised Zambia’s “democracy”.


Kaunda, whom Kamala fondly recalled meeting with JFK and MLK “to discuss peaceful forms of protest” had demanded nuclear weapons from LBJ.


Hichilema, who had narrowly survived being arrested by a previous regime, had nothing to say about Kamala’s fond memories of Zambian democracy.


Or the “peaceful forms of protest” carried on with nuclear missiles and terrorism. But behind Kamala’s childhood time in Zambia andher grandfather’s work is a lot of blood, along with a horrifying and mostly forgotten story of terrorism, atrocities and mass murder.


P. V. Gopalan, Kamala’s grandfather, had been a member of India’s socialist Congress party which was aligned with the USSR. What “refugees” was he aiding in Zambia?


Gopalan was posted to Zambia from 1966 to 1969. Formerly known as Northern Rhodesia, Zambiaplayed a key role in the genocidal terrorist campaignagainst what was known as Rhodesia before it fell to a brutal dictatorship and became known afterward as Zimbabwe.


BeforeRobert Mugabespent nearly four decades ruling Zimbabwe, the Communist thug led a terrorist organization known as ZANU allied with another counterpart terrorist group: Joshua Nkomo’s ZAPU. Often wrongly described as guerrilla groups by their western supporters,their combat tactics mostly focused on massacres of civilians and planting bombs on roads.


Zambia under Kaunda harbored ZAPU and ZANU bases across the border where theSoviet-backed terrorists ran training camps under the guise of providing shelter to ‘refugees’. Some of the refugees were civilians who supported the terrorists. Others were terrorists themselves.


The ‘refugee’ camps were run by ZAPU and ZANU which indoctrinated the civilians, brutally punished them for even slight offenses and made it their goal to turn them into terrorists.


In 1965, Rhodesia declared independence from the ruling Labour government in the UK which was determined to hand over the country to Marxist terrorist organizations. By 1966, when Kamala’s grandfather arrived in Zambia, the war for Rhodesia was truly underway.


The Marxist terrorists had plenty of weapons supplied by the USSR and Communist China, but preferred attacking Rhodesian civilians to trying to fight the brave little country’s volunteer army. Typical ZANU and ZAPU attacks involved firing RPGs at civilian houses andthrowing hand grenades at little girls. Missionaries were murdered and shoppers were gunned down.

Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 12:54 p.m. No.21811477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1485 >>1629 >>1945 >>2107 >>2184



Among the easiest targets were American and British missionaries providing education and medical care to the black population. At Elim Mission, Marxist terrorists raped the women and then beat and axed them to death along with their children. The victims were British citizens.


The New York Times described the scene. “a woman, dressed in a bathrobe with her hair in curlers, had an ax imbedded in her neck. Four children—a boy 4 years of age, two sisters aged 4 and 8, and another girl of 5—lay huddled close together. All were dressed in pajamas, and like the other victims they had all been struck on the head with clubs. Some also had stab wounds. One of the girls had the imprint of a boot on the side of her face.“


“Nearby lay the body of a woman, her arm encircling her dead 3-week-old daughter. Near them was a heavy wooden limb with blood on it.”The mother was Mrs. Joyce Grace and her daughter had been named Pamela Grace.


The Marxist terrorists finally got lucky and hit Air Rhodesia Flight 825 in the late seventies. The surviving passengers were rounded up, promised water and help, and then gunned down.


All of this came after Kamala’s grandfather had gone back home to India and Kaunda had decided that backing the terrorists was too dangerous once they threatened his regime.


There are few details about the exact role played by P.V. Gopalan except that he was advising the Kaunda regime on the “refugees”.The refugee camps were terrorist bases. It’s unknown what complicity her grandfather might have had with them, but he had been dispatched to Zambia the year that Indira Gandhi took power. And this Gandhi was no humanitarian.


Indira Gandhi aligned India with the USSR and its Communist movements including those operating in Africa. In the 1970s, while the worst of the violence was taking place, Gandhi had visited Zambia and backed Kaunda’s call for the takeover of Rhodesia by the Marxist terrorist groups.She had expressed her joy that she was “back on the mainland of Africa when the final battle was about to be joined” for the final ethnic cleansing of Rhodesia’s white population.


If P.V. Gopalan had been in Zambia to help prop up the Marxist terror groups, it would not have at all been at odds with the policy of the Gandhi regime.

Indira Gandhi had met with both Mugabe and Nkomo: terrorists responsible for the massacre of Rhodesian women and children.


Were Mugabe and Nkomo among the visitors passing through the Gopalan home?


Kamala, who was a 5-year-old when her Marxist father and radical leftist mother brought her to Africa, knew none of this. As the LA Times put it, “the young Kamala was oblivious to the intrigue swirling around her, with Gopalan’s government-issued car whisking him to meetings with Zambian officials and diplomats dropping by for visits.”


But in the succeeding years,Kamala either failed to educate herself about the history around her or knows exactly what happenedand has chosen to stand with Kaunda and his crimes.


According to the Voice of America, a government broadcast agency, “Zambia was personal, and the work of her grandfather — who served as an adviser to Zambia’s first president, Kenneth Kaunda, in the 1960s — influenced her own trajectory to the highest office.”


And so there may be no way to detach the crimes of those days from Kamala’s political career.


Especially since she heads a party that was directly complicit in the Marxist atrocities.

Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 12:56 p.m. No.21811485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1518 >>1556 >>1629 >>1945 >>2107 >>2184



The same year that Flight 825 was shot down, Carter’s UN Ambassador Andrew Young gushed that Mugabe was a “very gentle man. I can’t imagine Joshua Nkomo, or Robert Mugabe, ever pulling the trigger on a gun to kill anyone. I doubt that they ever have.” Nkomo had not only taken responsibility for the downed airliner, he had laughed about it.


Kamala’s radical third world family closely parallels Obama’s radical third world family. Neither of their experiences are rooted in the black community, but in the Soviet globalism of the sixties.


“I am a daughter of the civil rights movement,” Kamala Harris claimed. Her parents have been described as “civil rights activists”. These attempts to make her sound as if she were African-American are highly misleading. Kamala had not come out of a black southern Christian movement.


Her family was not African-American, they were third world academic radicals who used parts of America and other places in the world as bases for their militant activism.


Kamala’s links to Africa are not racial, but political. Her mother’s radical Indian family was there as part of a Soviet bloc aligned agenda. While Kamala enjoyed being in an exotic place, 60 miles away at the border, people were fighting and dying over the supremacy of Communism.


The Kaunda regime, an object of horror for Zambia, Zimbabwe and Rhodesian refugees, is a nostalgic memory for Vice President Kamala Harris. And for many in her political movement.


Kamala and Obama both come from radical Third World families who loathed America and Western civilization. Obama’s family played a role in Islamist massacres in Indonesia and Kenya while Kamala’s family appears to have had a role in the Communist war against Rhodesia.


People are not prisoners of their past but the way that Obama and Kamala were raised provide important insights about their worldviews, their politics and their plans for America.


Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 1:05 p.m. No.21811527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1554

New York Times Claims Kamala Worked at McDs Because Her Friend Claims Her Mother Told Her So

Fact checking never looked so good.


October 22, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield


It’s not implausible for someone to have worked at McDonald’s when they were just starting out. The problem with such stories by politicians is that they’re often made up to sound like ‘ordinary folks’.


And the Kamala campaign has all but admitted that it’s trying to gaslight middle-class white women.


“Her campaign has real room to grow with non-college-educated white women repelled by Trump, who aides believe she can win if they feel she’s more middle class than radical left.”


That’s why she keeps falsely claiming she “grew up in a middle-class family”.


AOCinfamously built her bio on claiming to have worked as a bartenderwhen she was actually working for a leftist political organization.


Kamala’s claim about McDs struck a lot of people the same way. When Trump called her a liar, her campaign could have easily struck him down, instead the New York Times set out to back up her story and the campaign refused to talk to its own press agents.


This is what the New York Times went with instead.


But The New York Times interviewed a friend who had known Ms. Harris as a teenager and remained in touch with the family for years afterward. Wanda Kagan, a close friend of Ms. Harris’s when they attended high school together in Montreal, said she recalled Ms. Harris having worked at McDonald’s around that time.


Answering questions by email, Ms. Kagan said that Ms. Harris’s mother, who died in 2009, had told Ms. Kagan about the summer job years ago. Ms. Kagan said she herself had also worked at one of the fast-food chain’s many franchises in those years.


“That’s what us regular folks did,” Ms. Kagan wrote. Still, she indicated that it had not been a frequent topic of conversation for Ms. Harris. “We didn’t talk much about our McDonald’s days back then,” she said.


It’s like Fight Club. Rule number one is you never talk about it if you’re one of those “regular folks”.


Wanda Kagan is “regular folks” in the sense that they both went to a high-end prep school in Montreal. She works in the Academic Affairs Directorate in Montreal.


The New York Times, after investigating the story, can only manage to come up with an old friend of hers(who attended the DNC as her guest) claiming that she heard Kamala’s mother tell her that.


Truly a fact checking farce. The paper would have done better not to even run the story.

Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 1:19 p.m. No.21811575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1578 >>1629 >>1945 >>2107 >>2184

Citizen Free Press



Danica Patrick has never voted before. The first vote of her life is for President Trump, she explains why.



From Jesse Watters

2:21 PM · Oct 22, 2024


Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 1:45 p.m. No.21811660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1707 >>1945 >>2107 >>2184

Cliff Maloney



THE PA CHASE IS WORKING!!!New results show that Republicans are 100,000 returns ahead of where we were from 4 years agoWe now have 32.74% of the Dem/Rep mail in ballot split.






Dems: 528,697 (67.26%)

down 123,742 compared to 2020


GOP: 257,326 (32.74%)

UP 103,960 compared to 2020


@thepachase team of 120 full time ballot chasers has now knocked on 301, 420 doors… Not stopping until we knock on 500,000 doors!!!!



0:11 / 0:58

3:34 PM · Oct 21, 2024


Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.21811694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1945 >>2107 >>2184

ROOKE: Political Earthquake Set To Rock Harris Campaign. There’s No Time Left To Stop It



Democrats are waking up to the nightmare that the 2024 election is not trending well for Vice President Kamala Harris.


While there are different avenues for both presidential candidates to win enough Electoral College votes to take the White House,Harris must win the three states that make up the “blue wall:” Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. These states, also known as the “Rust Belt,” flipped to Trump in 2016 but went blue in 2020 with President Joe Biden and are still Harris’ best chance of winning in 2024.


Pennsylvania will likely be crucial to Harris’ victory with its 19 Electoral College votes. Still, Harris’s path in Pennsylvania is not trending as well as it did for Biden, reportedly keeping local Democrats up at night.


“The registration gap between Republicans and Democrats has absolutely collapsedin Pennsylvania over the course of the past few years, and particularly in 2024. And a significant number of thoseregistrations that are changing are Democrat to Republican,” Charlie Gerow, a longtime political operative in Pennsylvania, told Politico.


“Early voting is another indication. Democrats have always dwarfed Republicans because Republicans prefer to vote in-person and most of them do. But Republicans have caught on to the fact that if ==you bank your vote]], it’s guaranteed to be cast. And so the Republican request for mail-in ballots is way, way up this year and the Democrats’ numbers simply aren’t as good.” Gerow added.


Philadelphia City Councilmember and chair of “Black Men for Harris Pennsylvania,” Isaiah Thomas, admitted that Gerow was correct. This is problematic for Democrats as they watch Harris’ slim lead in the state collapse.


“I want to be very clear: What Charlie talked about is definitely something that’s extremely alarming and concerning. It’s a pattern that existed long before I became a member of city council,” Thomas told Politico, adding that is why the Harris Campaign has stepped up its ground game in the state.


“I think that there are warning signs around voter participation,” Thomas said.

“The concern is there. Just because I’m confident that we’re going to win doesn’t mean that I go to sleep every night without a high level of anxiety. The anxiety is there. The fear is there,” he added.


Democrats and Harris have reason to be concerned.Not only are Republicans gaining on Democrats in voter registration, but the deadline to register new voters in Pennsylvania ended Monday night. Couple that with Republicans’ mail-in ballot returns outpacing their 2020 numbers, and Democrats’ fears are justified.


Republican activist and founder of Early Vote Action Scott Presler reported that in the last week, Democrats’ voter registration advantage dropped by another 14,901 voters.If you exclude inactive voters, Democrats only have a registered voter advantage of 130,848.


The voter registration game run by Presler and others has seen significantpositive results for Republicans, including flipping important blue counties red, like Beaver County, Bucks County and Luzerne County. While Democrats have seen an increase in voter registration in two counties, Republicans have chipped away their control in 10 still bright blue counties.


Cliff Maloney, founder of Pennsylvania Chase, reported that Republicans are ahead of where they were in 2020 with mail-in ballot returns by over 100,000 votes. In 2024, Democrats have returned 528,697 (67.26%) of their mail-in ballot requests, which is down by 123,742 ballots compared to 2020, according to Maloney. Republicans have returned 257,326 (32.74%) mail-in ballots in 2024, showing them up by 103,960 votes from 2020.


A sure sign that things aren’t rosy for Harris is that corporate media is already running pieces arguing whether or not they should have left Biden in the race. Harris has struggled to connect with voters who live in these Rust Belt states. If trends hold up, Republicans could see a massive windfall come November.

Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 2:51 p.m. No.21811946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2107 >>2184

Fewer than 3 in 10 Georgia men back Kamala Harris for president: poll

By A.G. Gancarski Published Oct. 22, 2024, 8:37 a.m. ET


Will Kamala Harris’ campaign ultimately be a casualty of the gender gap? The latest Atlanta Journal-Constitution survey of the race in Georgia suggests just that, with the Democrat failing to connect with men and thereby poorly positioned to take home the 16 electoral votes up for grabs in the crucial southern swing state.


The most striking split in support among the 1,000 likely votersthe University of Georgia School of Public and International Affairs Survey Research Center polled is among men.They’re moving to Donald Trump and as far away from the vice president as they can.


Just 28% of men back Harris’ campaign, compared with a whopping 59% who support Trump, a metric that contributes heavily to the former president’s 47% to 43% lead overall.


Harris has only 29% job approval among men against 59% disapproval, further cementing the impression “Dudes for Harris” could have their meetings in phone booths — assuming any are to be found in the Peach State.


The gender gap goes both ways, of course, but it’s much narrower with women. Harris leads 55% to 37% among her own gender, and while that’s significant, it only mitigates the overall margin. (KEK, only 55% of women support Kamattack)


Trump dominates with all age cohorts but the 30- to 44-year-olds, with whom Harris leads by 10. He’s up with 18- to 29-year-olds by 8 points, 45- to 64-year-olds by 10 and a modest 2 with senior citizens.


He also draws near-supermajority support fromwhite voters in the AJC survey, with 66% backing himcompared with 28% supporting Harris.


The gender gap goes both ways, of course, but it’s much narrower with women. This makes up for his relatively low level of support among black voters in this survey — Harris leads them 74% to 8% with the balance of 18% undecided.


Yet in a measure of how dynamic the race is and howHarris has failed to close the deal with a central Democratic constituency, more black voters are undecided in this surveythan they were in September’s effort by the same pollster. Back then, Harris was up 77% to 11%, with 12% undecided.


Speaking of Democrats, the polling shows some uncertainty about whether Harris will turn her own party out to vote.


Though Trump has under a percentage-point support, while Harris has 88%,the 11% of undecided Democrats have to raise alarm bells— especially given 95% of Republicans back Trump,with 1% backing Harrisand just 2% undecided.


The polling also finds Republican VP nominee J.D. Vance is closing strong in the state, at least compared with Democrat Tim Walz. The Ohio senator has 41% approval against 39% disapproval; the Minnesota governor is at 38% favorability against 40% unfavorability.


All told, Trump has the vibe of a winner here, with 41% saying he’s likely to prevail in November versus 39% who think Harris will pull it out.


Thanks Fani for arresting Trump, your made him a hero! Which he is

Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 3:10 p.m. No.21812039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2048 >>2107 >>2184

Elon Musk



Democrats are massively outspending Republicans, have almost the entire legacy & online media supporting them and almost all of Hollywood.


And they’re still losing


Quote ALEX @ajtourville

· Oct 21


NEWS:KamalaHarris disclosed to the Federal Election Commissionspending a shocking $270 millionin September, largely on ads.


President Trump's spending last month totaled less than a third of that amount, coming in at only $78 million.


7:34 AM · Oct 21, 2024



That is one month, unbelievable! Trump gets so much more exposure because he agrees to every interview, she's so stupid to pass up the free exposure. In 2020 Bannon said Trump only had $50 million to spend, so they relied on the news and interviews.

Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 3:20 p.m. No.21812106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2120 >>2122 >>2184

Voice of Sanity @HouseofElon1/2


Also, many can rightly sense that Kamala’s a fraud:


CV for Kamala Harris - Sources linked & within below.


1981: 🚩Graduated High School in CANADA, where she grew up since the age of 12.

1981: Attended Vanier College in Montreal, for 1yr.

1982: 🚩Transferred to Howard University, is held back.

1986: Graduated Howard University


🚩 No US Diploma & took 5yrs to complete a 4yr undergraduate degree.


🚩🚩Kamala got into law school through an affirmative action program called the Legal Education Opportunity Program. As the underachieving daughter of Professors, Kamala is a prime example of how AA was abused, and why it is illegal, today.


1987: 🚩#82 Law School in US

1988: 🚩#82 Law School in US

1989: Graduated from it: Hasting College of Law

1990: Staff Lawyer DAs office in Bay Area (all newbies are called eg “Assistant DAs” or “Deputy DAs”, etc.)


🚩FAILED Bar Exam and, after needing a do-over, eventually passed. NOTE: Kamala Harris was a below average law student & only 18% of her UC Hastings law classmates failed the bar that year.


1991: Staff Lawyer

1992: Staff Lawyer, then Employment is terminated.


1993: 🚩Began affair w/Willie Brown, twice her age.


(Finally registered to vote at Age 29, despite telling everyone she was an avid “feedumb” advocate since childhood.)


1994: 🚩Willie appointed her to high-paying job on Unemployment Insurance Board.


🚩Kamala had no Insurance Experience though, so the Press took notice of inappropriately appointing his mistress to public political positions & wrote about it, even in, eg, The Los Angeles Times, etc.


1995: 🚩Kamala quit that Board as Willie appointed her to a different high-paying 1 that required fewer hours & just once a month meetings - CA Medical Asst. Commission.


🚩Yet again, Kamala had no Medical or relevant Legal experience, though. More bad Press shared this truth.


1996: Nothing Else

1997: Nothing Else

1998: Willie sent her back to a Staff Attorney job, managing fine & fee processing, filing at CCU in SF for that DAs Office.

Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.21812120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2184



1999: 🚩Caught neglecting to properly file exculpatory evidence in George Gage case—led to 70 year prison sentence. Press was all over it.


2000: 🚩Had to leave there, so Willie sent her to work as a Staff Attorney at SF City Hall, working for city attorney Louise Renne, doing filing for child abuse & neglect cases.

2001: Same

2002: 🚩Lied about Prosecutorial Record. Press was all over it.


(🚩🚩Google Search shows no video, pics or any evidence of Kamala Harris actually prosecuting a case, talking to press after she did, etc., like normal DAs Office Attorneys do, etc., bc she never actually did.)


2003: 🚩NONETHELESS, powerful local politician & Mayor now, Willie Brown, admitted he miraculously helped get Staff Attorney Kamala elected as San Francisco DA!!


2004: 🚩Refused to seek death penalty for cop murderer.

2005: 🚩Refused to release records of sexually abusive Priests.





2010: Elected as CA AG by 0.5% margin.

2011: 🚩Withheld information leading to 600+ drug-related cases being tossed.

2012: } 🚩Threw 1,500+ people behind

2013: } bars over marijuana offenses

2014: } and refused early release of

2015: } prisoners bc of cheap labor.

2016: Elected to the CA U.S. Senate seat.


2018: 🚩Chanted “down, down with deportation” at parade w/hoaxter Jussie Smollett.


2019: 🚩Entered 2020 presidential race—dropped out over no support from her own State, due to her publicized abysmal history & lack of real experience.

10:04 PM · Oct 21, 2024




Anonymous ID: 0a0f98 Oct. 22, 2024, 3:28 p.m. No.21812147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2155


Yeah I was looking for it, her communist terrorist parents knew that she would get farther by being black, so she's pretended being black all her life. They trained her since childhood to lie, cheat and steal, so she stole other people's race and education. She incompetent and can't even speak.


I kinda think she was an MKUltra child, with how deranged she is.