Anonymous ID: da818d Oct. 23, 2024, 11:47 a.m. No.21816595   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"I think the BRICS meeting that's underway now is the forerunner to the real NWO. The BRICS alliance is already collectively a larger entity economically than the collective West. It's also gaining momentum whereas the Western economies are losing momentum. At some stage the Western economies will be in decline, then in rapid decline. I suspect it will happen when America's economy suffers another shock due to some trigger that's not yet clear (perhaps another stock market mini-crash like the previous ones).


Another reason for my "prediction" is that the location where the BRICS meeting is being conducted happens to be where a lot of Muslims and Christians coexist in peace and strength. Jews are also there too but not in so many numbers. The chief Rabbi of Russia and Putin are on good terms. IMHO, this could be the sign of the coming NWO religion to be headed by the false prophet of the Biblical prophecies. Perhaps I'm wrong and only time will tell. One thing is for sure. The BRICS alliance has already overtaken the collective West economically and militarily. That alone spells disaster for the West as the BRICS alliance is such a powerful adversary to the West it can't be ignored. The West has finally met its match. It had to happen at some stage. Well, it's happening now.


Meanwhile Poland closes down the Russian Consulate. The polarisation between the West and Russia is increasing. It's yet another sign the West (Democrats and Neocons alike) desires to bring down Russia by both military and economic means. Well, those two strategies are failing miserable as we can see. If the West persists on the current path it will inevitably result in a hot war against Russia. That will only bring in the rest of the nations making up the BRICS alliance into the war thus becoming a world war. If that happens, well that's where I think the chief antichrist steps up to usher in a short period of peace just prior to our Lord returning.


Meanwhile in Ukraine, thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are deserting as the Russians are advancing to take over more and more towns and villages. Also, more and more Ukrainian civilians are leaving Ukraine. Some 10 million already have left. I can understand why. One reason is they don't want to be caught up in the forced conscription that's been underway for some time now. Young teenagers are now being dragged into the military. Many are trying to avoid it by hiding. Another reason is they believe that Ukraine can't win the war and fear that Russia will take over the country. That's easy to understand as Ukraine will never be able to stop Russia. Even if the West directly entered the war, boots and all, Russia will only increase its resolve and resist at all costs, perhaps bringing in the Chinese to fight alongside the Russians against the West.


It's becoming clearer to me both sides are being "played" by Satan."


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