You gotta love Garrison.
Why all the long faces?
Right now, Trump is in the best position he has ever been in as it concerns the Deep State.
For example, even through democrats won't admit that they either voted for or support Trump, they do.
It reminds me of the Reagan years. Everyone voted for him, but no one on the left admitted that they did.
Things are moving in the right direction, for once.
Also, Q taught us how to manipulate the media with the 4AM talking points. When the time comes to control the narrative, we will.
Cheer up.
Take a break.
Have a little fun.
You only live once.
The jew's pets are turning on them.
Brings joy to my heart.
Destruction of the jew is the only thing that truly unties the left and the right.
They make it look like they are shaking hands.
The reality is that he is probably holding her up.
She is starting to look like a deranged gerbil.