I’m going through shit.
Non fkin ppl
Has anyone got the information on the dentist .
Ie, inject u with the nano bot when you dental apointement.?
Not Askin for a fren. Askin for me.
Help plox.
I’m going through shit.
Non fkin ppl
Has anyone got the information on the dentist .
Ie, inject u with the nano bot when you dental apointement.?
Not Askin for a fren. Askin for me.
Help plox.
My lad who is healthy and striclkky non vaxed.
He started to do the death spiral.
I just wanna understand.
It’s not the vax, it’s the dental treatment.
We will sort out the tooth.
Inject to numb the pain.
What shit is in that, I used to have gas. Knock me out.
Sorry, info requested.
I don’t like my step son to start the death spiral without me knowing what caused it.
Agreed, my it IQ is high as fuck, just like this bud I’ve just smoked.
Kindof healthy diet.
Personally, I don’t break fast. Until I’m required to eat. He eats what he needs.
The sun provides me with what I need.
NSA says reboot device, so I’m doing that now.
Keyb lag isn’t good.
Fug m daylight n savings.
Clocks gone back one hour.
What’s good about it? >>21839042
U don’t wanna start this one.
I’m going to sleep and don’t currently know how to reboot this device.
Since the upgrade.
Can’t find shutdown
Respect all the way.
Keyb lag is …
Lot of code, yet no answers. >>21839055
Laughing out loud.
Keyb lag still shit
Need to reboot device.