What is The Delphi Technique?
In Educating for the New World Order by B. Eakman, the reader finds reference for the need to preserve the illusion that there is "community participation (in the decision-making process), while lay citizens are being squeezed out." The Delphi Technique is the method being used to squeeze citizens out of the process, effecting a left-wing take over of the schools.
A specialized use of this technique was developed for teachers, the "Alinsky Method" (ibid, p.123) but the target is non-specific. This technique is a very unethical method of forging consensus on controversial topics.
The change agent or facilitator classifies each person in the target group as useful, inert or opposition, then they use "divide and conquer" techniques to shut opposition out of the group. The Delphi Technique is based on the Hegelian Principle, except that but only the illusion of unity is accomplished, with those who refuse to be Delphi'd being alienated from participating in the process.
Only those parents who agree with the process are allowed on the restructuring teams. OR ONLY THOSE TEACHERS WHO FALL FOR THE PROCESS,OR PRETEND THAT THEY DO, ARE ALLOWED TO REMAIN IN THEIR POSITIONS. Change agents encourage steps to neutralize opposition by any means necessary. Opponents have been harassed at home and at work, personal property has been vandalized, people have lost their jobs. Scientology is notorious for this. Anyone who does not go along with the restructuring of our society is a target. The need exists for agents to maintain control of the process. They cannot, like Kamala Harris, withstand open public debate of the issues. Therefore, they do not partake in public forums. They cannot withstand criticism, so they close every avenue for parents to address the issues. They are rapidly creating, through their divisive tactics, a volatile situation. America is being torn apart.
Mike McClaughry, Scientology DS - 45 minutes total
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