FRANKLIN LEONARD: I do love — well, look, the coincidence of the Black List having a lot of biopics and me loving biopics, that is just a coincidence. I should clarify. It's not like I'm like, "Oh, that biopic is dope. Let me put it on there." No, I do love biopics.
One of the things that I wanted to do when I came to Hollywood, the sort of fantasy dream, there was a triptych of biopics of the African diaspora that I wanted to do. I wanted to the Mandela biopic, the Marley biopic, and the Paul Robeson biopic. And they made a bunch of Mandela biopics in the wake of his untimely passing, but there still hasn't been a Robeson biopic and there still hasn't been a Marley biopic. Those are two stories that I'd love to see.
I'd also love to see Fannie Lou Hamer biopic. I don't think we've seen enough about the role of black women in the Civil Rights Movement, just as a matter of black women played a big role in the Civil Rights Movement, and we haven't seen that story told. And I think hers is particularly special.
I mean, I just want to see good stuff. That's the other thing. I could tell you the things that I want to see, and it's easy for me to come up with those biopic stories cause I feel like those are stories that I know, that I think would have a positive impact on the way people see the world, the way people see black people, whatever.
But for me, more than — I couldn't've told you that I wished that Barry Jenkins would make a movie about a young gay black man in Miami, crack-infested Miami in the '80s. Not — literally in a million years, if I had just made a list of ideas, that never would've come up. But that movie was brilliant.
So I think for me, it's less about, "These are the movies I want to see," and more about, "These are the points-of-view or people who I want to have the creative license to tell the stories that they want to tell." And so for me, I want to see more films from Muslim women who live in the Muslim world. I want to see more films from the LGBTQIA community. I want to see more films from the Latino immigrant community. I want to see more films from the refugee community. I want to see more films from poor white rural communities.