>>21844590 kek
hilarious and perfect at the same time
go iron something meghan
<"I'm the largest individual taxpayer in history, so I paid $10 billion in tax. I sort of thought maybe the IRS would send me a little trophy or something but I didn't get anything. Not even a cookie." 🤣 一 Elon Musk
not even a COOKIE
↻ ↑ 4 posts
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Qwfs7lfI No.150214269 📁
Nov 20 2017 13:07:04 (EST)
(Repost to correct thread).
Expand your thinking.
What are patterns?
How are patterns formed and isolated?
What are data sets?
What is a map?
Re: Twitter (repeat)(important).
What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?
What is the purpose of this action?
Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?
When was this announced?
When did events in SA transpire?
Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?
Why is this relevant?
Expand your thinking.
What is the real purpose of this action?
What is the SS?
Who is the primary person protected under the SS?
What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?
Would POTUS be able to use Twitter post action?
Define the ‘known’ action.
Why is the MSM ignoring this action?
What transpired w/ POTUS’ Twitter account a short time ago?
Re-read crumbs on this topic (necessary).
Two scenarios (lose/lose).
POTUS advised by SS to terminate use of Twitter due to new website tracking policy (cookies) amongst other spyware not disclosed (risk) – 1st time they failed (re-read).
POTUS silenced on Twitter due to new policy (re: SS / risk).
Direct message failure.
POTUS refuses to be silenced.
Bad actors gather metadata and targeting.
Small example of the ongoing silent war.
Problem: time to complete.
Patriots, get the word out.
Jason Bourne (Deep Dream).
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 31414e No.5683938 📁
Mar 14 2019 15:35:00 (EST)
Clear history/cookies to bypass all PAYWALLS.
Read FREE.
Anonymous ID: cS8cMPVQ No.148032910 📁
Nov 5 2017 02:14:12 (EST)
Anonymous ID: GwO0QESl No.148032489 📁
Nov 5 2017 02:09:14 (EST)
if she's not, I think they're gunning for her. How can she repay the money sent to CF for influence? Do they have Huma?
Review my other threads.
This is why complete graphics are so important.
BO paid the debt prior to leaving office.
HRC is not currently in SA.
Bill wants a deal.
Playing the former President card.
Watch the cookie quickly crumble.
Where does Soros fit in?
Godfather III
<"I'm the largest individual taxpayer in history, so I paid $10 billion in tax. I sort of thought maybe the IRS would send me a little trophy or something but I didn't get anything. Not even a cookie." 🤣 一 Elon Musk
↻ ↑ 1 post
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e2a8c9 No.9736150 📁
Jun 24 2020 19:01:56 (EST)
>>21845203 our rah rah rah bugs you
wait until
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 071c71 No.564638 📁
Mar 6 2018 02:04:41 (EST)
A parade that will never be forgotten.
Ask yourself, why?
God bless our brave men & women in uniform.
We will never forget.
↻ ↑ 4 posts
even it it was, hahahhhaaahha
trump team using the cabal playbook
fake news used to be their secret sauce
shootings to stun the viewers
now it is being perfected
boomeranged back on them
who does he save in phone as
"wet works"
<Weird. Really, Really Weird. DIGG
>Kamala name in Walz phone saved as
"my dry cleaner"
makes me think about handkerchiefs podesta