once people realize the election was janky how would the people voting in congress not be considered fraudulent also. How can any congressional member be considered legitimate no matter the side as the elections have been rigged in multiple states.
did massie just admit he is irrelevant.
you should end your life
the end is the beginning is the end.
Do it nigger.
and yet here you are being a faggot.
england is a fallen nation
hi anon. I am not sure if its time travel or a loop. how many times was zion destroyed.
good now keep thinking about that and the labels people use to justify themselves and their beliefs. Then consider the amount of lies in the world and those who claim they know god which you admit you are not sure of, if they are on the side of the proverbial angels or not.
how does it feel to be so limited.
nope, it was why i asked you retard. Someone who lives linear just seems so limiting.
your question helps further my proposal that you are limited in thought. Must be terrible being as retarded as you are.
kek. Kick them all out and break the chain