well someone's going to prison
it was a tag team effort lmao
one guy was ligma and the other guy not shown was johnson
they couldn't make it too obvious
one of the dumbest things ever concocted in the most powerful nation on the planet
just ask the nsa if they would keep their most classified files in a public drop box
same energy
>trump: we're giving power back to you the people
<enemy media: reeeee he's a fascist!
>joe and kamaltoe: we need to centralize power over the whole nation and force everyone to pay for abortions even if they don't agree with them!
<enemy media: wow so brave, much democracy and what not
shut the fuck up
i will tell you what to do all the fuck i want
so shut the fuck up
you know why jokes are funny? because they have an essence of truth in them
same reason leftists can't meme because there is no truth in them; it's forced
california gets called a shithole all the time with a straight face and nobody bats and eye because it's true
and a comedian makes an edgy yet truthful joke and that's the only thing out of that entire rally you faggot shitdicks cry about
so again i reiterate, shut the fuck up
look at all the cancel culture tards pretending to be the non-woke conservative
you are the reason movies suck these days
you are why all forms of entertainment suck these days
you are the reason companies implemented woke dei policies
thankfully that pendulum is swinging back and that frightens you more than anything
your fake woke time is over
uncle adolph memes are back on the menu