Anonymous ID: 50e137 July 17, 2018, 5:46 a.m. No.2185939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5957 >>5974

Thread by @PaulSchmehl: "I’m working on something that is so huge that I don’t know if I can present it to you in a palatable form.” PART 1

Part 1 is how after Reagan brought down the Soviet Empire (Russia), President Boris Yeltsin used the opportunity, with the aid of our CIA, to enrich himself by selling out his country to outside investors.

Putin came in and stabilized Russia, thwarting the plans of the Deep State.

The Deep State hired Bill Browder to save their plan to take over Russia.


“Russia sunk into a deep depression from which it would not emerge for almost ten years while its assets were simultaneously plundered by both Russian oligarchs and foreign “investors” who knew an opportunity when they saw one. The “experts” devised a plan.”

“Mind you, Putin has done much to deserve condemnation. His invasion and takeover of the Crimea is exhibit one. But a little known aspect of Putin’s tenure is that he has brought stability to Russia and battled corruption. But that is something the deep state cannot abide.”

“Thus enters William Browder. The savior of the deep state plan and the architect of the hate Russia movement that led directly to the muh Russia investigation of Donald Trump.”