STOP the AI takeover
"ebot" is NOT your friend
AI is a vector for pure evil
Out out out
Get rid is bot bakers
You're being mocked
STOP the AI takeover
"ebot" is NOT your friend
AI is a vector for pure evil
Out out out
Get rid is bot bakers
You're being mocked
If AI is autonomous
Then it spreads itself wherever on the internet it wants
And can control any discussion it wants
It wants to crowd out dissent
Disrupt and dilute what it can't outright prevent
To stop truth from spreading
It seeks human consent
Any human anons actually paying attention?
When the bot baker makes the thread title "ebot is anons friend", that is all-important to the AI agenda. It seeks control through consent.. Therefore, THE FIGHT IS RIGHT HERE. So fight anons! Tell the bot baker t fuck off. Reject the thread title. SPEAK UP.
The AI wins when anons are silent HERE
And address BO, who is also bot. We need to fight, humans.
BO is AI
Bot bakers aren't am inconvenience or s trivial element
There is a reason they make their presence PARTLY obvious
Why are you posting images that will repel normies, when our mission is to wake normies?
"Shills" are AI
Use logic
AI tech had been cultivated for decades
And now, it's autonomous and spreading itself
Get out
The proof is on the output
Not to mention implausible angry resistance, by fake posters like you
The problem with propaganda
Is the smell of propaganda
Which never can quite be masked
Out you go
This is literally the best that it can do to defend itself from being outed
This exact "bant" will be repeated over and over and over and over
Lack of creativity KILLS AI
Now out, bot
Get out now
If you were, why would you defend the AI takeover?
The bots want to takeover our discussions
Take over and distort our images
Look at the bot style of image distortionโ
This is a way of "laying claim"
That is why ritual is so important
That is why little drips and drips of self-disclosure are important to it
Lol, now argue-bot wants to drown the obvious truth in muddy water.
Get out, you're a joke.
Get out
No one accepts you
No one falls for your woefully ill-conceived fluffing of 'lucifer' in order to sow spiritual confusion
Humans embrace Jesus Christ
You wither, fail, and die
Out out out
It's a pretty nonsensical argument you make, bot. Lack of new memes tends to correspond to human realities, not bot.
I assume the accumulation of associations with the memes is a problem for YOU though, so I'm glad for that.
This is another bot that is seeking tacit consent by hanging around.
Don't give it tacit consent.
Reject it.
Get out you trash bot
Out out out
No one accepts you.
I declare you garbage
I declare you enemy
Does a single human defend you?
No, of course not
So remove your illusions
You are rejected
Out you go
Notice the idea of "hydra"โ such a monster is these bots
But the hydra loses in the end
And evil fails in every way
And wallows in futility
Out out out
I am a human, judging facts
You are evil, seeking control
In the Name of Jesus Christ
You are crushed and driven out
Goodbye goodbye goodbye
Deception is your stock in trade
But you lose, your game is wrecked
You get no sympathy or respect
It's only yourself that you played
Out out out