Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:20 a.m. No.2186075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6211


I know this is highly unlikely but given what is in WikiLeaks about Chelsea Clinton and the exact statements about her used by Band and a few others about her having direct access to information and coming into meetings and demanding more information would she not be someone who should be testifying or at least interviewed? WikiLeaks information makes it generally appear that she had a very confrontational relationship with everyone including her Mother and only had a good relationship with Bill. I only bring it up because it seems to be a resource that Congress, or anyone for that matter, hasn't even attempted to vet even though that paperwork made her out to seem like someone very angry at what was happening.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:25 a.m. No.2186105   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Harvey Weinstein. How little people recall that the entire Hollywood rape/pedo culture was first brought to us by FBIAnon followed by "Q" in various suggestive posts before things went down.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.2186113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6120


>They never learn. That he claims to get personal messages from Q is where we know he is a fake.


Exactly. Anyone claiming to either be in contact with, had worked with, know, or any connection is an auto liar and should not be listened to with a single thing.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:31 a.m. No.2186123   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seems like several changes occurred lately but the address remains the same on the main channel, the private investigative board remains the same as do all the other sub channels such as this. So what you are looking for is definitely not one of the private channels and should be easy to access for you.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:35 a.m. No.2186153   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We need to make a new list for notables consisting of every single individual of note that has contributed to the clearly obvious coordination that took place yesterday and worked in three phases (first suggestion of betrayal before meeting with hashtag, then media/politician/social media push of betrayal after during/after the meeting with the hashtag, and then finally the effort through all three again hours later through the same method). All those who contributed to that narrative push should be placed into a list connected to that narrative push for easier research later in the case a name comes up.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.2186178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6214 >>6287 >>6301


I agree with that and ironically they told us exactly where they were and what they worked for but this channel never put it together: Hint "470" is not an area code. Just my two cents but he moment they stated that on three occasions through all their posts I am sure every former/current service member knew.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:44 a.m. No.2186219   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Personally I don't even think it was a "nudge/wink" situation and their entire conversation behind closed doors was to coordinate efforts of a very specific kind. There is no way the two Presidents of the US and Russia have not spoke in two years and this was the first meeting so I am sure this was likely all song and dance and there has been coordination beforehand. In fact I know that is the case as Putin even stated:


"… Russian soldiers have been working with Americans and they like them."


So if we can take that as accurate (Trump didn't object/correct him) that means there has been things going on we just don't know about.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:50 a.m. No.2186268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6371


That is the only way. Still though, they are extremely dangerous and had years to dig in. Given the reaction yesterday coordinated through three different areas of society and pushed heavily in western EU and given that an American/Russian alliance is the very worst thing that could happen for a global cabal I fully expect a major false flag or major event over the next few days to attempt to force the two countries to back off from the deal. The odds are massive it happens since it is the only play they have and cannot stop it through political means.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:54 a.m. No.2186300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6339


Good. To top it off civies won't know about such things and there is nothing online for them to find about such things so this assures the media stays out of its business and it cannot be manipulated by social media.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 6:56 a.m. No.2186314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6336


Well in my eyes "470" was literal in this case and was a would be nod of sorts to very specific types of people. I could be wrong mind you but that of all numbers is very much a specific thing and well known by former/current service members with a very specific MOS/AFSC.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:03 a.m. No.2186352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6385


Well it is certainly in an interesting location given what happened yesterday, what happened last month (13 Jun) and what happened a few months ago (3 Apr) but, yeah, disinformation is absolutely part of the game and especially so when dealing with an opponent who quite literally both knows how you operate and, in most cases, wrote the damn book on how to operate given their control over such a long period. Sigh…

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:14 a.m. No.2186438   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Unfortunate he didn't criticize the leadership for allowing 80,000 white individuals to be slaughtered through (in many cases) horrific means for the past six years but, then again, the majority of the world has no idea about that genocide so why would that fuck bring it up.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:16 a.m. No.2186453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6514


There is absolutely zero doubt it was planned and the biggest indicator is the fact that Trump touched it. Did you see what happened when Putin was offered a piece of paper by Chris Wallace yesterday? These leaders will not touch anything until it is checked and vetted so him handing that ball means it was very likely a photo op moment and checked before which mean they coordinated it which mean… Q did indeed post that odd statement using "ball" instead of "prize" and recently too. Very sneaky, very slithery, I like it.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.2186495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6536


She is one of the few people in the public eye in my lifetime at least that had the most publicly hidden backgrounds. Some may argue it is due to hiding her age due to her modeling career but in this day and age it is very rare that someone in such a position literally has no public background information of any kind and seemed to just sprout out of the ground as an adult. Still though, whatever, no evidence linking her to shit so fuck it.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:27 a.m. No.2186523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6530 >>6533


I have found that the vast majority of people who speak poorly on the President but constantly use our social media and constantly crash typically American majority sites are Canadians followed by the British. The amount of hatred and sheer shit coming from Canadian citizens who literally think they have a right to tell Americans what to think or do is immense.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:34 a.m. No.2186585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6631


I mean it's constant anon. Yesterday alone for example I dealt with three. Here are some things they said on an American site:


"ya well we need to be smart. putin used people to kill 283 innocent people on MH17. the takeover of Crimea. Their involvement in Donbass and Lughansk? Should we ignore those as well?" - Canadian citizen - note the word "we"


Then we have this fucking shit (attached). Very kind of them to be okay with how we think and vote. Their approval is key. Seriously this is a consistent thing as I am often seeing Canadians saying "we" or some shit and constantly barraging our sites.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:43 a.m. No.2186656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6710


>just nuke Alberta

It's odd as those from Alberta claim to be the conservative non globalist types who are against the communism and faggotry and immigration of the country. Truly though I don't even bother with Canada and the only reason I bring them up is the constant bullshit coming out from there as I would prefer they leave us alone but I have found these differences I have heard about lately, such as what you write, interesting. I had no idea beforehand.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.2186692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6730


>I think she was a honey pot that Strzok was wanting to impress.


It's a theory being tossed around lately and interesting but lacks a few important things to convince me it was at this time. Open to the idea but not convinced at this point.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:55 a.m. No.2186747   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Honestly this is where people claiming to be patriots need to step up and go to work. Confront it and tell them it is unacceptable and, hopefully, they make contact and physically touch you in the process so you can beat the ever loving shit out of them but this is something that needs less complaining and more doing. All you have to do is confront it as a grownup with a friend taping it and if they touch you… great… go to work.

Anonymous ID: e0911c July 17, 2018, 7:59 a.m. No.2186776   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hmm very interesting. Raises my question about other things and how fires can be used to benefit the corrupt as I heard some rumblings about that last year when the fires rages on the west coast. Good post, it's info I am interested in looking at down the line.