Anonymous ID: 2b319e Oct. 30, 2024, 12:34 a.m. No.21860565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0569

Every invention that made it into the public was originally beneficial to them.

Remember they are stupid. Many of them are functionally illiterate.

Sure they can do math okay but the alphabet confuses them. Hence they are low lever readers and writers.

Enter inventions that would be great for them that they could then sell to the public.


Cell phones

Talk to text/ text to talk

Audible books

Thing of an item and ask yourself how it would have made their lives easier. Because it's all about them.

They go to prep schools to learn how to function in the world. They learn symbols/colors (Think ads, signs, etc) put in place to help them.

Symbology will be their downfall.

Handlers are there to manage their lives because they are dumb as rocks. Haven't seen Joe or Kamala's handlers. Probably couldn't pay the fee and why would anyone volunteer for someone with no future to reap from.