A pudgy, limp-wristed faggot cop in a mask??
Stop the stupid!! Please! Stop the stupid!
The US Territories are the ones refusing statehood. As Territories they get all the federal benefits but none of the responsibilities of a state.
Wow. You're really dating yourself there, anon. Archie Bunker was never really a conservative. Just another ignorant New York asshole. And Rob Reiner has always been a repulsive shaved gerbil.
Tim Taylor and the bearded pussy, Al Borland, were good foils. (Home Improvement)
Mike Baxter and his soyboy son-in-law, Ryan, were good opponents. But like every liberal besides the retard Meathead, Ryan became conservative when reality knocked him upside the head.
So there really aren't ANY violent civil war advocates, eh? Just federal infiltrators instigating violence by citizens in chat rooms?