By Wayne Allyn Root
I have fantastic news and terrible news.
The great news is, I predict (and believe in my gut) we will win this election. And it won’t be close. It’s going to be a Trump electoral landslide- with a sweep, or close to a sweep of swing states.
But will it look like a landslide? Democrats cheat big. The question is how big?
Option number one. I suspect we may experience a “false flag” mass shooting, or supposed “domestic terrorist attack” that Democrats will use to blame Trump and the GOP.
Option number two: Start World War 3. I truly believe the Democrats and the evil, greedy Deep State would rather start a world war than allow Trump to take power.
Option number three: This is the one I think is the most likely to happen: Trump wins, despite the biggest voter fraud operation in world history. And then the real battle begins.
Democrats are insane with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” They will not accept a Trump victory. I expect nationwide riots, anarchy, looting, burning, and attacks on American institutions.