To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 6 February 1777
I think what your Excellency is pleased to mention with respect to the Forage we are pursuing—I am a little at loss for your final determination as to my Conduct here In your letter of the 3d Inst. you are pleased to direct, that after fixing a number of Troops in this Quarter, & at Peeks-kill, the Remainder should immediately march forward & join you; & in your Letter of the 4th you are pleased to advise some further attempts on the Fort—The last night I ordered a large Scouting party to march at One O’Clock this morning from S. Ward’s to surprize the Out Guards near Fort Independence—and attempt whatever might appear practicable—I have not as yet heard from them4—I had yesterday ordered some of the Troops lower down, & to take Quarters below Ward’s—I shall immediately endeavour to make the necessary Arrangment directed by your Excellency, & shall, in Obedience to your Orders, consult Colo. Duer, otherwise I should not do it, in Military matters, altho’ I much esteem him for his good Sense, & Judgment in other affairs—It will most probably be several days before the Troops can move in which time I hope to hear again from you, and in the mean time I can assure your Excellency, they shall not be idle.
I thank your Excellency for the Leave you have been pleased to grant me, to ride to N. England nothing but necessity could have induced me to sollicit the favor—I shall endeavour to return in about four weeks from the time that I leave Peekskill, which will give me about Two Weeks at Home.5 I have the honor to be Your Excellency’s Most humbl. Sert
He calls George Washington "Your Excellency"
Kim Jong Un praises Donald Trump as 'your excellency' in letter
Its to much information for one person to sift through it will take the hive-mind working together
to find the truth