Strzok is in a lot of trouble.
#MandelaLecture: ‘Politicians have always been liars but now even when they’re caught on lies, they just keep on lying '_Barack Obama.
Hussein explained how is a great politician - a proven liar. He is the guru on lying and doubling down on lies when caught.
Would it surprise anyone that one of Soros' funded companies was involved?
Obama gives Trump sharp rebuke in Mandela address on values
It is not generally well known, but Mandela was a huge commie supporter in his youth. Look up the MK plan if you want to know more about his early days.
Be that as it may, Hussein the puppet received marching orders to jump on the denounce Trump bandwagon. Hussein, Brennan, HRC, etc. have all been very loud since the Putin meeting. The CABAL is panicking.
Some would say serial lying is a symptom of deep emotional issues - e.g. sociopathy.