‘’’Why Force MSM to Accuse POTUS of Treason?’’’
When I give speeches to professional sales teams, I always walk up to someone in the front row and ask them to hold up their hand. I then press my hand palm-to-palm and begin gently pushing on their hand. They ALWAYS begin pushing back to maintain stasis.
I then say, “I only asked you to hold up your hand and didn’t ask you to push back. Why are you doing so?” They never know why.
I then explain the psychology behind asking prospects open-ended questions to get them to tell you ‘’’their’’’ idea of what is likely to solve their problems.
This next part is very important: ‘’’When someone tells you something that is their idea, they find it VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE to “push back” when you agree with them.’’’
Getting MSM and libtards to begin screaming, “Treason!” is a 3-D chess move, Anons!
We just moved a very serious, scary word from the deepest recesses of our collective subconscious minds to the very forefront of our mental RAM!
When the server evidence is released and clearly demonstrates acts of treason, how can they possibly “push back”?
They can’t and they won’t.
Checkmate, motherfuckers.
“These people are STUPID!” — Q