you aren't wrong.
>Indeed. useful troll is useful. However the absolute need for plausible deniability has now stepped into the room. Idiots took Q public, that genie is out of the bottle.
>The cognitive dissonance around here is BLAZING. This place has been under all eyes since this started. YES the good guys are watching, and perhaps prodding…why not. Useful is useful. How many eyes were watching and learning not only how to start a movement, but how to control it and move it into blind faith (((PRAY))).
>How many eyes were watching on how to capture the fringe? (extraterrestrial mention). How many eyes were watching…on how to subdue and control calls to action? This place was a very effective training ground on how to motivate and how to use emotional appeal to calls to action to the fringe. As much as the left has been and is still being emotionally manipulated, so too is this place. (((PRAY)))..(((GOD WINS)))…are you kidding me. (PRO TIP, god literally wins by killing everyone…THINK).
>What's coming next is going to be horrific. I cannot help but think "we" deserve it. The blind faith that "we are safe" is completely blind. NO you are NOT safe. In what fucking world do you believe that? Were the Parkland kids safe? what happened to we hear all? One has to either recognize that no, they do not hear all..or admit they let it happen. Which is it?
>Whether or not it was a gov. sponsored LARP for "good" or whether this was indeed a collective trolling effort is now beside the point.
>Studies were done, words examined…notes made. The problem they have is that most ANON (the herd of cats) have long left the building and all that remains are the elements of the fringe that are not only easy to manipulate by dropping shit they already believe within the context of "OMG GOV knows this too i'm not nuts", but exposes the weakness in the troll due to the "cats". Those minds that are still thinking–yeah…kek, whatever.
>Troll or not I know good eyes are here because I've dropped things that have been acted on..immediately. And that's why I'm still here.
>Useful troll is useful. And no one can argue it hasn't been. Where do we go from here?
>I will repeat, there is nothing they won't do to stop Trump. NOTHING. Think of the worst possible things that could happen, and believe. because you are NOT safe. If you wish to believe you are, sheep on.
>The absolute sense of betrayal those sheep are going to have to deal with when they start setting off their final solutions…is going to make many people crazy. if anyone is foolish enough to believe that WE THE PEOPLE will not be punished, think again. Perhaps it will be their last gasps, but the damage will have been done. Absolute chaos is the goal. It will require strong minds to overcome…and as one can see merely by reading here, the weakest minds are now begging for reassurance that is not going to come. If it does, it will affirm the lie.
>the best thing people can do is stop. Stop going to public events, stop being targets, just stop. but ego is as ego is…'we're safe" they'll excuse.
>Was Vegas safe? FBI, CIA, NSA, are all controlled by bad elements. Are there good people? yes. Are those good people going to risk everything to whistleblow? No. HOW many of the past events did the FBI know about? ALL of them. Literally all of them. Intel even knew ahead of time about 9/11. DO YOU still feel safe?
>The best way to counter this is to fucking stay home. Spend time with family and friends, stop giving them your money, stop attending events. JUST STOP. Only do what is needed to keep the home front burning. JUST STOP.
>Will you do that. No.
>In that context you deserve what is coming. First for being so stupid enough to believe "you are safe"…yes, we are safe from foreign actors..but we are not safe from the enemy within. PERIOD.
>If you could see what I see and have had to see for years, you would never sleep again. I've long since gotten used to it, because no amount of warnings or words will do a damn bit of good. I can only see to myself.
>the only way to stop them from completing their plan is for
>"the three branches become one"
reposting for more shill accusations.