Anonymous ID: 37cd6a July 17, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.2187626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7644 >>7692


>fentanyl and attack vectors re: water is poop as a vector


They don't need it to directly kill you. Death by 1,000 cuts. They're polluting the air already. I'm not talking about combustion exhaust, either ;)

Anonymous ID: 37cd6a July 17, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.2188029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8213


>blah blah blah fucking blah God blah. Blah.


There's this thing we have called free will… Soo. In order for God to be the Creator… He has to create everything. Including evil, right?


That's why we are here. It's a test. Pass the test, get to the next level. Fail the test, and you'll do it again until you do pass it. Unless you say fuck God, then you're on your own, bud.


The reason why God doesn't alter the course of things here on Earth, is because this place is Satan's realm in this time.


Unless you know Sumerian, that as close to the Truth as you will get. It doesn't change the fact that the Holy Archetypes are valid, despite being archetypes.


Since this is my personal belief, I won't be responding to any retorts concerning this, as your own beliefs are irrelevant to me in the context of MAGA.


Because it really is Patriot vs Traitor, and only that, for me here.


>THERE IS NO ONE coming to save you. The one you are waiting for is YOU.


I can agree with this.