Agreed about the slide. The way they push that one guy…lol. They got over zealous
The 1st picture was spread around during the whole Assange deadman witch thing back a few years ago & pops up every time something big is going on.
It's trolls trolling for (you)'s
I guess a lot of people here really weren't on half chan back then. It shows
RR already left the White House.
He was there for a meeting & was reported to have left around 11:30am
No link take this shit to Rfags board please
Take this shit to the Rfag board.
Shit source. Unless you have a different source, that website is trash. And it's said all the damn time.
But I bet you know that already…
You just gonna keep posting this same exact post in every thread?
They are now going with MULTIPLE slides in each thread.
They are really trying to distract us from something now. And I usually don't say that, but the amount of idiots posting dumb crap, the same dumb crap in each thread.
If it was an innocent opinion, they wouldn't get so angry when said it's not anything.
Oh good, you know how to do that much! Now take it to the R thread. cunt
Yeah, good luck. I tried yesterday. It was ignored & I haven't seen it talked about much since.
Take it to your R Thread.
You Rfags are just the WORST.
but it's amusing how angry you all get lol
Why am I not surprised.
but I get yelled at for calling them a shit source & asking for a REAL source.
Fucking thieves.
I didn't look at the article, since I refuse to give them views but someone posted an article from them yesterday here that was pure shit.
The writing was so bad & condescending lol & they obviously don't know what is which is amusing as well.
They are pure TRASH