I see idiots wearing ballcaps while out with a lady at a nice restaurant. Our society is fucking clueless.
Yeah, he's amusing in small doses. I like War Room better, I can only take a small portion of AJ's yelling.
He just stirs up publicity, that's part of his business. I cant believe people take him so seriously. Do you take Wolf Blitzer and Rachel Maddow seriously too? None of the journalists seems serious to me. It's all just stories, most of which arent accurate or meaningful. That includes Hannity and FoxNews. It's all just infotainment. Get over it.
108% of Anons voted that Soetero is shit.
I dont see any point in sitting on indictments of murderous criminals. That would be a miscarriage of justice.
The campaign donation would be illegal also. Needs to be checked.
She's boring and ignorant.
Break it. Break all the windows.