Why does liberalism beget faggot masculinity?
Did find that 9 barrel comment interesting
Need to watch the whole event again
T'was epic
Trump should do Alex Jones before the election
Some halo-ed individual?
Terrible photoshopping
Harry's head on a black guy
And Leonard head is Crooked and whiter than his back.
Been around so long its meow breaking news again.
Can we call it quits if Trump wins?
Can the chains of qresearch fall off of those of us who would like out.?
Looking at the grocery flyer.
2 cans of tuna for only $7.00
Muh cat is going on a mouse diet
Want to know what anon saw this morning?
a sports bag like a duffle bag opened and inside was detonating components hot and ready
Do not praying
Would like to enjoy the Trump years in the sun.
Lefty can't fem
What we are really waiting for is if white hats are really white hats
Or are we surrounded by traitors
But >>21876529
that would mean someone is lying
Proof of the steal plan expecting to work
Not the knees bending In and backwards under the weight of the girth bearing down?
Just foot fetish upkeep