i hate to say it, but it just seems to me like the media gaslighting works.. mockingbird works, its still undefeated, its still what everything else revolves around.. and people revolve around it more now than they did without the internet because its interactive and addictive… and it just seems for how deep the shit is they ought to be in, if they were desperate, they would keep gaslighting and not allow this kind of sentiment.. they're making it easier for normies to pick Trump because now he's supposed to win. YOU just can't STOP this guy!! wow! He's incredible…. idk, i'd like to believe, it's just a movie.
Yes, new, but just meant also its new that there's now a greater awareness of it, and public belief that the public is winning against the media clowns, but.. just a feeling..
not sure if you understand but I'm saying it only appears to work… its as though the public conscious of corruption has been expanding for as long of any of us have been alive and its been accounted for the entire time.. like Trump was groomed and waiting to play catch when the public was ready for a "hero", its part of a movie that started generations ago.
I definitely suffer from that, tryna get healthy, or at least take a break from being unhealthy, only tapering tho so far..
its friday so its cheat night