Anonymous ID: 63783a July 17, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.2188456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9071

Bill Browder twat:



sauce from twat

Anonymous ID: 63783a July 17, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.2188566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8671


I think it's important to know

structures painstakingly set up for decase

trade agreements

think it's important for friends and allies to hear from us


I'm not here to critique anyone else

Our friends and allies - in this country there are a lot of people

who believe these alliances are important and we want to maintain them


bill - targets 2018 election - potential penalties if the russians do it again


russians need to know a lot of us understand what happened in 2016, and they better not do it again…

Anonymous ID: 63783a July 17, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.2188825   🗄️.is 🔗kun



his behavior so bizarre, so weak, so deleterious


we wonder if Putin has something over the president


what will the senate do in response?


statements are not enough

we need action

we need bipartisan action


1st - ratchet up sanctions on russia

not weakened in any way at all


2nd - repubs need to demand open and public testimony of the president's team in Helsinki

we are worried about what was said alone with Putin

why did he not want anyone else in the room

if he was so confident his behavior would withstand the light of scrutiny


we want Coates and huntsmen to xcome before us


where are the notes?!

was Pompeo briefed?

were any other members briefe?

the contemporaneous notes should be turned over immediately


we need a hearing





need dose notes


end attacks on deptartment of justice


protect special counsel - bipartisan bill, put it on floor immediately McConnell


4th - potus release taxes

and insist on extradition of the 12 russians



move to protect election security

need more $$$ protection, legislation


we hope you repub.s will act to protect the security of america!


sorry for misspells….