jaysus emojis for dummies
Armed strength and unity of america is the key to whirled peas.
>>I am willing to entertain the idea that the DNC hired them
>That's the only plausible explanation for such carelessness. I've seen teenage hackers cover their tracks better than this. If this is the case then they were ordered to be sloppy as hell.
maybe not the DNC perse...I mean, let's face it if Peter was responsible for documents aka the birth certificate, he was most certainly FAIL...what kind of expert fails to merge layers? OMG he's /ourguy/? nope...he's someone's guy but not ours...he is responsible for the insurance plan against Trump? Well again he got caught with a piss poor plan...sum ting wong here. Right now he seems sort of like Barney Fife...with tourettes.