Anonymous ID: bcb793 July 17, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.2188583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Specifically define 'interfere' in relation to Russia's involvement with meddling with the 2016 elections.


These bastards are hiding behind that weasel word.


All we know is they phished and did more so to the benefit of HRC.


Every other allegation is without evidence that has been made public. There may be evidence but apparently Congress believes the public has no right to see the evidence.


All of these fucking Never Trumpers came out of the woodwork once Trump met with Putin.


I have been angry a lot watching the domestic enemies of this country attempt to hide behind bullshit but I believe I am more angry now at these fucking bastards than I have been at any time.


They are uncloaking and telling POTUS that there is a red line that he cannot pass. Stand down POTUS or we are coming after you. The status quo is more important than Americans regaining any semblance of their sovereignty from this leviathan of a government.