I have watched countless humans over the years become hopelessly addicted to the scientific and technology realms.
Mindless people who cannot put down there devices for more than a few minutes per day. Labor intensely to increase their invisible digital pocket books.
These same people would barely survive a 30day internet outage, electricity outage or medical delivery outage.
Mindless human robots that bow to every whim that is speed across their screens.
The Word of God clearly states that every man, woman and child is a part of this beast will receive a mark, just to participate.
Who is really in control of the narrative? Where are you going to be when your town or city goes dark?
Who profits from the information super-highway?
What happens when the electrical grid goes dark, and the back up batteries run out of juice.
Who will accept your credit card, bit coin, or dollar bills when you are out of food.
What about water?