"Talking" online misses so much important information that it's not really effective for anything truly important. Dealing with people face to face is the only way to actually confront the truly important issues which affect our lives. This effort to remove direct personal communications appears to be another attempt to usurp the natural order, as was done in ancient times with the introduction and enforcement of centralized monetary systems.
I would like to inspire people to actually go out into the real world and seek their own answers, rather than hanging off the words of others while hiding themselves away behind screens.
How you communicate is important though. The idea that words are the only/best way to communicate already misses a vast wealth of what is actually possible within the real world. I may be much quieter online as of recent, but I'm also doing other things in my daily life which communicate important ideas to those around me, which end up propagating through unmapped "networks" of information as it flows naturally through the world.
To attempt to summarize simply: Live well and be an asset to your community, and those around you will take notice, which influences others around them, and so on.