And we realize this was done when we first moved in and were care takers for an elderly relative. This is just one example, but the point is, is that they are constantly sabotaging for rewards. Anything to cause strife, sickness, misfortune, poverty, lost time, expendable energy, or to ruin your life, is all fair game to them. You are either with them or against them. They constantly want to put you in jeopardy of life and limb, are constantly trying to set you up to either blackmail you, defame you, or to give a reason so they can unjustly call the cops on you knowing that their is a list of infiltrate team players and targeted individuals. This is what goes on. Because 99% are not high priority, because trust me, it is hard to kill people by these means alone, most will succumb slowly to low grade attacks under the radar thus causing illnesses, then disease, and then an untimely death. Their system and tactics.