wow why is that a surprise, the polls are rigged.
and how is he not a retarded faggot.
if the moniker fits.
if she was male she would have won some races.
be careful anon, many anons are still brainwashed into the cult and get triggered.
have a you put it towards your funeral costs.
o7, sadly most anons are incapable of understanding your nuance. That is because if they even attempt to try to understand their salvation becomes a lie and they get too scared. They say they possess truth but hide from it at every step with int the pages of their dogma.
fuck off.
ley lines or dragon lines.
i thought the sex kittens were supposed to be hot
you would need a bag and a ball gag and ear plugs for your self just in case and that is just too much prep to slide into a diseased hole like that.
you really are deluded.
even if she had the best tits in the world and I mean perfect to my personal likes, I just could not get past it. So gross.
why you were doing so good
no just think it is a waste of time to go to an indoctrination center willingly
even if it was all true which it is not, chruchs only provide the message they want to make people feel as if they have the answers. But as soon as you start investigating it for yourself and not relying on it like people rely on main stream media for their news you will start to have questions that destroy the narrative they present in those institutions. Then if you ask questions just like with politics about the narrative presented you will become ostracized by those you sought to seek comradery with. All because you challenge their structure of belief same as with liberals being brainwashed by politics, conservatives are brainwashed by the church.
all lies. I do know what you are talking about you are a fucking liar. Your bible your Abraham your Moses all fabrications by weak cowardly people like yourself. You may have investigated it but only to the point you felt you had an answer to satisfy your faggot pea brain.