Anonymous ID: fe8e3e July 17, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.2189235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9450

rough on the go transcription from POTUS: sry for mispells


we're working very hard with our allies

peace through strength


NATO 44 billion increase in foreign $


this year it will 100's of billions


they weren't paying their bills on time and now they're doing that


tremendous success


re May - between the UK and ourselves


Queen - we walked in front of the honor guard

she was inspiring


Helsinki - tremendous success

had to do with Russia

met with Putin, we had never been in a worse relationship

but now it's better

getting along with Russi, China is a good thing

we have 90% of the nukes


diplomacy and engagement is better than hostiliy and conflict


the press covered it inaccurately - insulting


when I left, everbody was thrilled


Putin mtg interesting in many different ways


once again full faith and support for our intelligence agencies


whoops they turned off the light


that maybe was our intelligence agencies


I felt strongly, russian impact on election none


meddling could be other people also


no collusion - house and others came out strongly on that


what's the big deal on the transcript - I reviewed it,

there is a need for clarification

in a key sentence, I said would


"I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia"


we will continue to repeal and repel any efforts to interfere in our elections


we have a lot of power - obummer given info. and they decided not to dao anything

they thought hilldawg would win

when I won, they went in to action


sharp contrast to the way it should be


brennan clapper )$$$) knew about russian interference

they buried it because they thought she would win


we have taken a firm stance - strong action to secure our election systems and process


Putin - 2.5 hours

yalked about middle east

entered negotiations strongly

military mighty powerful

civil war in Syria - humanitarian hel[p

Iran - destabalizing activities - we ended the Iran deal, we hope they'll call and make a new deal

it's not the same country as 5 months ago - big problems, solve easier if they deal with us

we discussed Israel security, Putin talkin' with bibi


NK - denuking, Russia supports 100% will help

ongoing discussions, sanctions remain, hostages back, no tests, relationships good

no time limit/speed limit, Putin going to be involved in that he would like to see that happen


redux of nukes in world, nukes greatest threat to world today, we have to do something, discussed in detail

matters discussed of profound importance

understand disagreement between countries, dialogue important and good.


just wanted to clear up

I have the strongest respect for our intelligence agencies

run by my people


talent, being guided properly


with that we start mtg on tax reductions

Anonymous ID: fe8e3e July 17, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.2189291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9309 >>9385

Don't know if anyone else caught this


Trump said:

"just wanted to clear up


I have the strongest respect for our intelligence agencies


run by my people

>run by my people

run by my people

>run by my people"

Anonymous ID: fe8e3e July 17, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.2189514   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"I accept that Russian meddling took place




there's a lot of people out there."



Anonymous ID: fe8e3e July 17, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.2189778   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Churchhill said this:


"No countries are less prepared to deal with terrorism than Western democracies"

in 1947

"…squalid warfare with terrorists should be avoided, and if it ever breaks out, every effort should be made - I exclude no reasonable proposal - to bring it to an end."


Above all he emphasized that National politics must stop at the water's edge


the water's edge

>the water's edge

the water's edge