Anonymous ID: 5d3767 July 17, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.2190475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0493 >>0510 >>0597 >>0604

I already know I will be told to GTFO of here as a concernfag but so far the whole Cavuto show is about discrediting our POTUS and building up support against RUSSIA….Russia again…this shit has to stop. I just called my congressman and told them they better support our President and stop working against him. Even went so far as to ask him if he was a NEVERTRUMPER.


There are so many other fxxking issues I have questions did the DNC and CF fuck with our Prsident and try to frame him? How much money was embezzled through the CF. What exactly did the Obama Administration know about what was happening regarding our INtel agencies and trying to secure a win for Hillary Clinton. They are blowing their heads up with one fucking word…our President came out the very next day and corrected the record…What more can we do. This is


This is absolute horseshit…Helper anons, Q anyone, tell me what I can do besides showing up in Washington to ask these questions myself.


So sick of it all … We have no voice, w have no power. Help someone, anyone have any decency anymore?


Sorry just can't stand the propaganda anymore.

Anonymous ID: 5d3767 July 17, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.2190559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0596


I am not new here and I know the answers to all of those questions, my absolute frustration is this is what they are going nuts over when we have all this other real serious crap that happpened and they just focus on RUSSIA…


Been here since January, never saw such a huge push against POTUS even this strong on FOX and some Alternative Media outlets. I am someone who will show up and make a stink but they are just ignoring eveything we are doing. They are trying to bury the Walk AWay Movement, It never ends…I just believed maybe somewhere in politics, media people still had a conscience or the very least some sense of decency. Sorry for the rant.

Anonymous ID: 5d3767 July 17, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.2190705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0727


I do know this, thank you, I am calm now. I have had to advocate for myself and my kids and others with less to get resources, I know what you are saying, I just think sometimes the constant negativity against our POTUS pisses me off to the point of wanting to march down to Washington but feeling helpless atm.


I will lurk moar and study, it will keep me focused and motivated, and shutting off the news.


Peace anon.